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EPA Programs that Implement the Recovery Act

Brownfields Program

EPA's Brownfields Program will issue $100 million in competitive grants to evaluate and clean up former industrial and commercial sites.

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Clean Water State Revolving Fund and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds

The State Revolving Funds will issue $6 billion to help communities with water quality and wastewater infrastructure needs and drinking water infrastructure needs. A portion of the funding will be targeted toward green infrastructure, water and energy efficiency, and environmentally innovative projects.

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Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Program

This program will fund $200 million for the cleanup of petroleum leaks from underground storage tanks.

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National Clean Diesel Campaign

The Clean Diesel Program will issue $300 million in grants to help regional, state and local governments, tribal agencies, and non-profit organizations with projects that reduce diesel emissions.

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Superfund Hazardous Waste Cleanup Program

This program will fund $600 million for the cleanup of hazardous sites.

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