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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act?

How is the money distributed?

What is the role of the NH Office of Economic Recovery?

Who is in charge of the NH Office of Economic Recovery?

Where can I obtain information about ARRA COBRA?

Will there be accountability standards to verify the funding is being used correctly?

How can I access SBA loans and various programs?

Does ARRA provide funding for public libraries?

Can school districts use ARRA monies to restore budget cuts?

How can I contact the Community Action Agencies?

Is there funding for the Arts?

How can I see what programs are available in NH under ARRA funding?

What is a "shovel-ready" project?

What types of programs will be funded?

How is the money distributed?

Where can I find information on tax incentives?

Who is picking which projects are funded?

If the State is getting millions in federal funding under the recovery package, how does that help the State budget?

New Hampshire Office of Economic Stimulus
107 North Main Street | Concord, NH | 03301
Telephone: (603) 271-2121

copyright 2009. State of New Hampshire