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North Dakota Economic Enhancement Program

North Dakota Economic Enhancement Program

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Overview of ARRA

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 was passed by Congress and signed into law by the President on February 17, 2009. It includes funding for infrastructure, as well as increases in education and human services funding.

Implementing ARRA

North Dakota will combine ARRA and state general fund dollars to continue to invest in the state's priorities, like education, economic development, infrastructure, research and development, and jobs training programs.

As per the legislation, a majority of the more than $580 million in ARRA funding for North Dakota is committed to education, transportation and human and community services.

The State of North Dakota is committed to accountability and transparency regarding ARRA funds. This website will be updated frequently with the status of projects and services receiving funding under this federal legislation.

State Plans and Reports

As state agencies develop plans in response to funding associated with the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), those plans, along with project timelines and contact information, will be published here on this website.

In addition, there are numerous federal reporting requirements associated with ARRA funding. Agencies receiving funding are required to submit periodic and timely reports to the federal agency administering the funds. These federal reports will include information as to how the funding is being used, as well as details on the number of jobs created or retained. These reports will also be found on this website, as well as on the agency websites.