Official Nebraska Website

04/30/09 12:47:31  


The ARRA provides additional funding to expand and increase unemployment benefits to eligible recipients through state-administered programs, some of which are conditional on the state adopting specific laws to comply with federal guidelines. Funding is also provided to expand job training opportunities for adults and youth.


Distribution of
Federal Funds

$164 million*

  $74 million

Emergency Unemployment Compensation

The ARRA temporarily extends the period that an individual may apply for and receive Unemployment Compensation.

  $47 million

Unemployment Compensation Modernization

To receive these funds, states must enact laws that expand eligibility to include more individuals seeking employment.

  $30 million

Unemployment $25 Per Week Increase

From April 2009, to July 2010, individuals receiving regular unemployment compensation will receive a temporary $25 increase in weekly benefit payments.

  $10 million

Job Training

Additional funds will enhance existing state job training programs for adults and youth, as well as specific programs to assist dislocated workers.

  $3 million

Unemployment Insurance Administration

States will receive additional federal funds to administer unemployment insurance programs including the additional benefits provided or proposed under ARRA.


*Dollar values displayed on this website are primarily derived from information from the administering federal agencies.  Estimates of projected federal distributions are used when the federal guidance or grant awards are still pending.  Amounts are rounded to the nearest million.

Last update: 04/29/2009