Official Nebraska Website

04/30/09 12:48:50  


The ARRA provides additional funding through grant programs established under existing federal laws to assist states and local schools in improving the quality of education, with particular emphasis on improving academic performance and providing rehabilitation services to persons in at-risk categories such as poverty or physical disability. ARRA funds also provide increased financial aid for low-income college bound students.

Distribution of
Federal Funds

$224 million*

  $80 million

Special Education – Individuals With Disabilities

Public schools will receive more federal assistance for special education programs to help provide more effective instruction and services that meet the students’ unique needs.

  $73 million

Federal Pell Grant Program

Pell Grants provide need-based financial aid directly to low-income college students through the federal student aid application process.

  $62 million

Education For Disadvantaged Children (Title I)

Public schools will receive more federal assistance to help provide effective instruction and outreach services to students living in poverty.

  $3 million

Technology Enhancement

Public schools will receive more federal assistance to implement technology improvements that promote student academic achievement.

  $3 million

Vocational Rehabilitation

States will receive additional funds to provide counseling, guidance, goods, and services to persons with disabilities to help them obtain and maintain employment and live independently.

  $1 million

Federal Work-Study (FWS) Program

Federal Work-Study (FWS) allocations are made to higher education institutions for the purpose of providing part-time employment to needy undergraduate and graduate students. Institutional allocations are based on institutional requests for program funding under a statutory formula. The program provides funds earned through part-time employment to assist students in financing the costs of postsecondary education.

  < $1 million

Rehabilitation Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired

A portion of vocational rehabilitation funding is reserved specifically to enable individuals with vision disabilities to obtain employment and live independently.

  < $1 million

Impact Aid (Construction)

Certain schools with high percentages of students who live on Indian lands or students who are children of members of the uniformed services are eligible to receive direct federal grants primarily for the purpose of construction and repair of school buildings.

  < $1 million

School Lunch Equipment

Public schools may compete for grants to buy equipment for their school lunch programs.

  < $1 million

Education For Homeless Children

Public schools may compete for grants that are designed to ensure homeless children have equal access to public education.


*Dollar values displayed on this website are primarily derived from information from the administering federal agencies.  Estimates of projected federal distributions are used when the federal guidance or grant awards are still pending.  Amounts are rounded to the nearest million.

Last update: 04/20/2009