Arkansas Recovery and Reinvestment
Message from the Governor

Thank you for visiting the Web site of Arkansas's Recovery and Reinvestment Act. This Act is a great opportunity for Arkansas, and its implementation will be carried out with transparency, oversight, and accountability. Keeping Arkansans at work and advancing projects and initiatives that will lay the groundwork for the future growth of Arkansas will be our guiding principles in this process.

I hope you will use this Web site to become better informed and engaged in our effort to put Arkansas's share of the federal stimulus dollars to work. It will enable you to track every dollar of federal aid that is spent in our State, and you'll also have the opportunity to submit your input and examine the grant programs available for application. After all, this is your money - and your leaders should be held accountable for its management.

Our needs are many, and we will address areas with critical shortages first. It is important to note, however, that most of this money has already been designated to established programs, and the amount of discretionary funding is quite small. Still, our immediate focus will be to put those Arkansans who are seeking jobs to work. The decisions we make today, to keep Arkansans at work and to create new jobs for those who need them, will have an impact for years to come and strengthen our communities.

Although we fare better than most states, too many of our fellow Arkansans are suffering the effects of our nation's economic crisis. It's time for strong economic leadership and forward thinking to put our State and her people on the path to recovery and prosperity. The recovery package gives me great hope that Arkansas's economic foundation will remain steady, and eventually will put our State in a stronger position than ever before by keeping Arkansans at work. As long as we act boldly and remain honest and open with the people of Arkansas, we can look to the future with confidence and optimism.

Governor Mike Beebe
Mike Beebe
Governor of Arkansas

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