RI.gov R.I. Government Agencies | Privacy Policy |

Programs & Projects

Information will be available shortly that enables you to look for specific funding opportunities for your project, or to locate programs that provide assistance to individuals. Because most of the funds are being made available through existing federal, state, and local programs, you may be required to submit an application or proposal to the appropriate agency for consideration of your project. We will provide information on those processes as well as deadlines for submission.

While we will make every effort to ensure that the information about each program and project is complete and accurate, in some cases detailed information about how a program is to be implemented is not yet available. New information will be posted on this website as it is provided by the federal government.

Projects Submitted to Date

In anticipation of the passage of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the Division of Planning in the Department of Administration solicited project ideas from municipalities, private colleges and universities, public housing authorities, and state agencies and state universities. Below are links to the lists of projects received in response to the initial solicitation. Projects submitted after the initial deadline may not appear on this list. This list will be updated with new projects periodically. Information is presented in summary and detailed format.


Project Requests Submitted by Municipalities (More Info +)

Project Requests Submitted by Municipalities

Summary Table Excel - PDF

Detailed List Excel - PDF

Project Requests Submitted by Public Housing Authorities (More Info +)

Project Requests Submitted by Public Housing Authorities

Summary Table Excel - PDF

Detailed List Excel - PDF

Project Requests Submitted by Private Universities and Colleges (More Info +)

Project Requests Submitted by Private Universities and Colleges

Summary Table Excel - PDF

Detailed List Excel - PDF

Project Requests Submitted by State Agencies and State Universities (More Info +)

Project Requests Submitted by State Agencies and State Universities

Summary Table Excel - PDF

Detailed List Excel - PDF

Project Requests from Other Entities (More Info +)

Project Requests from Other Entities

Summary Table Excel - PDF

Detailed List Excel - PDF

The fact that a project has been submitted by an entity and appears on this list of requests – including projects submitted by state entities – in no way means that the project is slated to receive funding.