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State of Ohio Federal Stimulus Initiative Submissions

This website provides information about the federal recovery funds available for Ohio. Please read the following information to understand how and where applications for funding should be directed.

How the distribution of federal recovery funds works:

  • The federal recovery act outlines more than 100 programs that will receive recovery funds. Most are existing programs at the federal, state or local level.
  • Each existing program has eligibility requirements established by federal or state law and rules. The federal recovery act and federal agency guidance add new eligibility criteria to be considered in awarding the funds.
  • Applicants for the funds apply to the federal government, the State of Ohio, or the designated local organization, depending on what the legislation directs.

Below are 4 types of funding available with 4 corresponding charts outlining the descriptions of projects to be funded.

1. Direct benefits to individuals:

Please refer to the list of resources for individuals. Federal recovery act funds benefiting individuals will be distributed through established channels - there is no need for individuals to submit proposals on this website.

Resources for Individuals

2. Program funds to be distributed by the State of Ohio:

For organizations interested in applying for federal recovery act funds from the State of Ohio, refer to the summarized program chart.

If your project matches one of the programs listed, please submit your expression of interest. The funds on this chart cannot be distributed to individuals.

State of Ohio Program Chart
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Submit a Project

3. Program funds to be distributed by local organizations in Ohio:

Please refer to the summarized list of funds to be distributed by local organizations. Requests for these funds should be sent directly to the entity designated.

Local Organizations Program Chart
Adobe PDF

4. Program funds to be distributed by the U.S. Government:

Organizations in Ohio have the opportunity to compete with organizations across the country for certain program funds in the recovery package. Please refer to the summarized program chart.

As the federal agencies overseeing the competitive process post new web pages with further guidance and explanation, we will add those web page links. Submissions of interest for these funds should be sent to the federal government. The best resource for these opportunities is grants.gov.

U.S. Government Program Chart
Adobe PDF

Federal Agency Recovery Websites
