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RSS Feed ATOM Feed

April 27, 2009
EPA Announces $19.5 Million Recovery Act Funds for Water Infrastructure Projects in Delaware

April 17, 2009
Recovery funds available to Delaware for the education of the disadvantaged and disabled

April 09, 2009
State Agency Grant Applications are now listed online

March 16, 2009
Markell's Section 1201 certification letter for DelDOT

March 16, 2009
Markell's Section 1511 certification letter for DelDOT (STIP)

March 13, 2009
Markell's certification for the request and use of ARRA funds

March 4, 2009
Markell: Delaware Must Focus on Long-Term Job Growth to Overcome Historic Rise in Unemployment

March 2, 2009
Markell's Section 1511 certification letter for DelDOT

February 25, 2009
Barclays to add up to 500 jobs in Delaware

February 18, 2009
Markell Welcomes 100+ to Delaware Green Building Conference

February 18, 2009
Stimulus Package Will Create Jobs, Fund Critical Infrastructure Improvements

February 16, 2009
Delaware Becomes National Leader in Climate Prosperity Strategies

February 9, 2009
Stimulus Spending Priorities Will Create Jobs, Address Infrastructure Needs

Last Updated: Thursday, 30-Apr-2009 09:46:46 EDT
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