United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

In The News

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VA is working closely with other Federal departments and agencies to monitor human cases of Swine Influenza in the United States. A Swine Influenza advisory has been issued to all of our medical facilities nationwide. These advisories are a part of daily and weekly updates to inform staff and patients. Our medical professionals are carefully monitoring our Veteran population for any new cases and any new strains. More information is available from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) website or the White House Swine Flu information center.

President Obama announcing the creation of a Joint Virtual Lifetime Electronic Record

President Joins Secretaries of VA and DOD In Announcing Lifetime Electronic Record For Veterans
VA and DOD have taken the first step in creating a comprehensive system that allows the streamlined transition of health care records between DOD and the VA. Both Departments will work together to create a system that will ultimately contain administrative and medical information throughout their military career, and after they leave the military. (more)

Filipino World War II Veterans
In February, VA announced that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act authorized a new benefit for Filipino Veterans who aided American troops during World War II. The VA Regional Office in Manila is now accepting claims for this one-time payment of $9,000 for non–U.S. citizens and $15,000 for Filipino Veterans with U.S. citizenship. Claims need to be received no later than Feb. 16, 2010. (claim form) (more information)

Veterans seeking information about their rights under the proposed settlement of the court case involving the May 3, 2006, theft of computer equipment from the home of a former VA employee can visit www.VeteransClass.com for more information.

The American Veteran video The American Veteran » Monthly video magazine featuring important veterans issues.
VA News video VA News » Weekly video featuring news and information about the Department of Veterans Affairs.

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