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USNS Comfort: Continuing Promise

The USNS Comfort left Miami April 6, 2009, on a four-month humanitarian and civic assistance mission to Latin America and the Caribbean region. The Navy hospital ship will provide medical, dental, veterinary and engineering assistance in seven countries as part of Continuing Promise 2009. Special

Wounded Warrior Diaries

American servicemembers wounded in combat share stories of their service, including their hard-won battles on the road to recovery. Special

Life in Iraq: A Multimedia Slideshow

This multimedia slideshow features the best work of some of our nation's military photographers, who are chronicling life in Iraq, taking their cameras into the streets and villages to capture images of everyday life for Iraqis and the U.S. troops deployed there to help them. Special

NATO: 60th Anniversary and Summit

For only the sixth time in its 60-year history, NATO expanded its membership to include Albania and Croatia during its spring summit meeting in Strasbourg, France, and Kehl, Germany. The summit culminated with allies offering more finances and personnel to support the NATO-led mission in Afghanistan. Special

Medal of Honor: Heroes of the
War in Iraq and Afghanistan

The Medal of Honor is the United States' highest military decoration. Five servicemembers have received the Medal of Honor – all posthumously – since the global war on terror began following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States. Special

On Location in Afghanistan

American Forces Press reporter Fred W. Baker III is spending 45 days on the ground with U.S. Forces in Afghanistan, chronicling the soldiers' work with in-depth articles and images, and sharing his own impressions of the experience in journal entries. Special

Afghanistan Today: A Photo Essay

This collection of photographs taken by U.S. Army National Guard Staff Sgt. Russell Lee Klika and American Forces Press Service reporter Fred W. Baker III chronicles the daily life of the citizens of war-torn Afghanistan. Special

Unified Command Plan

The Department of Defense has updated the Unified Command Plan, a key strategic document that establishes the missions, responsibilities, and geographic areas of responsibility for commanders of combatant commands. Special

Wyoming National Guard

Nearly 1,000 Wyoming National Guard soldiers will deploy to Kuwait and Iraq in April, taking more than half of the state's Army National Guard force and a third of its total National Guard assets. Special

Inauguration 2009

Upon taking the oath of office Jan. 20, 2009, Barack Obama became the 44th president of the United States and commander in chief of the nation's armed forces. Holding with tradition, the U.S. military honored its new commander by participating in the inaugural ceremonies and parade. Special

2008 Year in Pictures

Every day, the men and women of the U.S. military serve America in Iraq, Afghanistan and in other locations around the world. Military photographers capture images that provide a visual record of their achievements, struggles, sacrifice, commitment and dedication. Special

Healing the Invisible Wounds of War

Bandages and sutures cannot heal the sleepless nights, broken families and shattered lives caused by the invisible wounds of war. Military chiefs are determined to help troops combat what has become known as post-traumatic stress disorder. Special

Staying Power: Seriously Wounded Warriors Return to the Fight

Soldiers, sailors, arimen and Marines are returning home, some with wounds so serious they would not have survived in wars past. Remarkably modern medicine, changing policy and pure grit have allowed many to recover and return to active duty. Special

Cancer Awareness:
One Woman's Story

Kathy Vantran, a former Army journalist who now works as a public affairs specialist for the Defense Media Activity, chronicles her battle with cancer. Special

Beirut Barracks Bombing: 25th Anniversary and Rememberance

Twenty-five years ago, on Oct. 23, 241 men gave their lives in the biggest non-nuclear explosion in history, catapulting this nation into a war now known as the global war on terrorism. Special

United States Africa Command (AFRICOM)

The United States Africa Command, also known as AFRICOM, is a new U.S. military headquarters devoted solely to Africa. It is one of the Defense Department's six regional headquarters. Special

Honoring the Pledge

About 88,000 servicemembers from past wars are still buried on foreign shores and at sea. Quietly, almost behind the scenes of the current conflicts, hundreds of military troops and civilians go about the business of bringing them home -- one by one. Special

Warrior Care

"I made a solemn commitment to the Congress, to the nation and to you to keep the welfare of men and women in uniform uppermost in my mind at all times," Secretary Robert M. Gates. Read the latest news about Warrior Care. Special

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