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105th Congress

Unprinted Senate Hearings by Committee

January 1997 - December 1998

Unprinted as of December 7, 2001

       ** Hearings held by Appropriations

       *  19970319      APPROPRIATIONS--DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE:  Subcommittee 
                        On Defense held closed hearings on proposed budget
                        estimates for fiscal year 1998 for defense intel-
                        ligence programs, ...

       *  19980319      INTELLIGENCE:  Subcommittee on Defense held closed
                        hearings to review certain intelligence matters,...
       *  19980519      NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY:  Subcommittee on Energy and Water
                        Development concluded hearings to examine the state 
                        of advanced nuclear technologies, focusing on the
                        disposal of spent nuclear fuel from nuclear power
                        reactors, the future strategic direction for nuclear
                        energy and nuclear regulation, and the development of
                        the Gas Turbine-Modular Helium Reactor,...

       ** Hearings held by Armed Services

       *  19970211      BOSNIA:  Committee met in closed session to receive a
                        briefing on the situation in Bosnia and the status of
                        United States military forces participating in the 
                        Stabilization Force...

       *  19980305      INTERNATIONAL SECURITY:  Committee concluded hearings
                        to examine the role of the Department of Defense in
                        countering the transnational threats of the 21st
                        century, including terrorism, narco-trafficking, and
                        weapons of mass destruction, ...

       *  19980923      NORTH KOREA:  Committee concluded closed hearings to
                        examine North Korea's ballistic missile and weapons 
                        of mass destruction programs,...

       ** Hearings held by Budget

       *  19971021      EUROPEAN MONETARY UNION:  Committee held hearings to
                        examine the economic and monetary union in Europe and
                        its implications for the United States economy, ...

       *  19980224      SOCIAL SECURITY REFORM:  Committee's Task Force on
                        Social Security concluded hearings to discuss the
                        Administration's plans to safeguard Social Security 
                        in the context of the Federal budget,...

       *  19980226      EXPORT PROMOTION:  Committee's International Affairs
                        Task Force concluded hearings to examine the success
                        of the National Trade Strategy from the perspective 
                        of international affairs funding,...

                        national Affairs Task Force concluded hearings to
                        examine United States Government resources supporting
                        American foreign policy goals and interests that fall
                        outside the international affairs budget category,...

       ** Hearings held by Commerce

       *  19980715      ELECTRONIC COMMERCE:  Committee concluded hearings on 
                        S. 2107, to enhance electronic commerce by promoting
                        the reliability and integrity of commercial
                        transactions through establishing authentication
                        standards for electronic communications,...

       *  19980922      NOMINATIONS:  Committee concluded hearings on the
                        nominations of Linwood Holton, of Virginia, and Amy M.
                        Rosen, of New Jersey, each to be a Member of the
                        Reform Board (AMTRAK),...

       ** Hearings held by Energy

       *  19970225      FOREST LAND MANAGEMENT:  Subcommittee on Forests and
                        and the Bureau of Land Management with the authority 
                        and ability to manage their lands in accordance with
                        the principles of multiple use and sustained yield,

                        LITIGATION:  Subcommittee on Forests and Public Land
                        Management met to receive testimony on the impact of
                        the proposed Public Land Management Responsibility and 
                        Accountability Restoration Act on the administrative
                        and judicial appeals of land management decisions of
                        the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management
                        Hearings also held on 3/5, 3/6/97

       *  19970306      ELECTRIC UTILITIES DEREGULATION:  Committee held
                        oversight hearings to discuss proposals to advance the
                        goals of deregulation and competition in the electric
                        power industry, ...
                        Hearings also held on 3/13, 3/20/97

       *  19970508      ELECTRIC UTILITIES DEREGULATION:  Committee met to
                        further discuss proposals to advance the goals of
                        deregulation and competition in the electric power
                        industry, focusing on the effects of competition on
                        fuel use and types of fuel generation, ...
                        Hearings also held on 5/22, 6/12, 6/24/97

       *  19970522      COMMUNITY BASED FORESTRY:  Subcommittee on Forests and
                        Public Land Management met to discuss the emerging
                        process of community-based forestry, or finding
                        community-based solutions to conflict resolution 
                        in public land management, ...

       ** Hearings held by Environment

       *  19980730      NOMINATIONS:  Committee concluded hearings on the 
                        nominations of Romulo L. Diaz, Jr., of the District 
                        of Columbia, to be Assistant Administrator for
                        Administration and Resources Management, and J.
                        Charles Fox, of Maryland, to be Assistant
                        Administrator for Water, both of the Environmental
                        Protection Agency,...

       *  19980910      NOMINATIONS:  Committee concluded hearings on the
                        nominations of Terrence L. Bracy, of Virginia, to be
                        a Member of the Board of Trustees of the Morris K.
                        Udall Scholarship and Excellence in National
                        Environmental Policy, and Norine E. Noonan, of
                        Florida, to be Assistant Administrator for Research
                        and Development of the Environmental Protection

       *  19981001      NOMINATIONS:  Committee concluded hearings on the
                        nominations of Greta Joy Dicus, of Arkansas, and
                        Jeffrey S. Merrifield, of New Hampshire, each to be 
                        a Member of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission,...

       *  19981007      NOMINATIONS:  Committee concluded hearings on the
                        nominations of Isadore Rosenthal, of Pennsylvania, 
                        and Andrea Kidd Taylor, of Michigan, each to be a
                        Member of the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation
                        Board, and William Clifford Smith, of Louisiana, to be
                        a Member of the Mississippi River Commission,...

       *  19981008      NOMINATIONS:  ..., committee concluded hearings on 
                        the nomination of Mr. [Robert W.] Perciasepe, [of
                        Maryland, to be an Assistant Administrator for Air and 
                        Radiation of the Environmental Protection Agency]...

       ** Hearings held by Finance

       *  19970213      ADMINISTRATION'S BUDGET:  Committee continued hearings
                        to examine the Administration's proposed budget
                        request for fiscal year 1998, focusing on spending
                        proposals relating to Medicare, Medicaid and welfare,

       ** Hearings held by Foreign Relations

       *  19970213      NOMINATION:  Committee concluded hearings on the
                        nomination of Pete Peterson, of Florida, to be
                        Ambassador to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, ...

       *  19970306      USIA 1998 BUDGET:  Subcommittee on International
                        Operations concluded hearings on the President's
                        proposed budget request for fiscal year 1998 for 
                        the United States Information Agency and international 
                        broadcasting, ...

       *  19970318      CHINA:  Subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific Affairs
                        concluded hearings to examine the future of China,
                        focusing on the effect the death of Deng Xiaoping will 
                        have on Chinese domestic and foreign policies, ...

       *  19970408      RUSSIA-NATO:  Subcommittee on European Affairs 
                        concluded closed hearings to examine the Russia-Nato 
                        relationship after the Helsinki Summit, ...

       *  19970410      HONG KONG:  Committee concluded hearings to examine
                        United States law enforcement interests in Hong Kong,
                          Also, committee concluded hearings to examine the
                        outlook for Hong Kong following its planned reversion
                        to China, focusing on the future of freedom,
                        democracy, human rights and the rule of law in Hong 
                        Kong, ...

       *  19970415      U.S.-JAPAN BILATERAL RELATIONSHIP:  Subcommittee on
                        East Asian and Pacific Affairs concluded hearings to
                        examine the United States' bilateral relationship 
                        with Japan, ...

       *  19970418      NOMINATION:  On Friday, April 18, committee concluded
                        hearings on the nomination of Thomas R. Pickering, of
                        New Jersey, to be Under Secretary of State for
                        Political Affairs, ...

       *  19970424      HONG KONG:  Subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific
                        Affairs concluded hearings to examine United States
                        interests and policies toward Hong Kong, ...

       *  19970501      NOMINATION:  Committee concluded hearings on the
                        nomination of Stuart E. Eizenstat, of Maryland, to be 
                        Under Secretary of State for Economic, Business and 
                        Agricultural Affairs, ...

       *  19970522      CHINA MFN STATUS:  Subcommittee on East Asian and
                        Pacific Affairs held hearings on East Asian and
                        Pacific Affairs to examine whether the renewal of
                        China's most favored nation status is an appropriate
                        tool for the United States to use in trying to shape
                        the Chinese government's international and domestic
                        policy, ...

       *  19970603      U.S.-HONG KONG AGREEMENT:  Committee concluded
                        hearings on the Agreement Between the Government of
                        the United States of America and the Government of 
                        Hong Kong for the Surrender of Fugitive Offenders
                        signed at Hong Kong on December 20, 1996 (Treaty Doc.
                        105-3), ...

       *  19970619      GLOBAL CLIMATE NEGOTIATIONS: Subcommittee on Inter-
                        national Economic Policy, Export and Trade Promotion
                        concluded hearings to examine global climate change
                        issues, including S. Res. 98, expressing the sense 
                        of the Senate regarding the conditions for the United
                        States becoming a signatory to any international
                        agreement on greenhouse gas emissions under the United
                        Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change of
                        1992, and the United States negotiating position
                        during the multi-national conference to be held in
                        December 1997 in Kyoto, Japan, ...

       *  19970626      GLOBAL CLIMATE NEGOTIATIONS:  Subcommittee on Inter-
                        national Economic Policy, Export and Trade Promotion
                        resumed hearings to examine current international 
                        negotiations intended to curb global greenhouse gas
                        emissions, focusing on United States economic and
                        science considerations, ...

       *  19970708      CONGO:  Subcommittee on African Affairs held hearings
                        to examine United States policy and the prospects for
                        a stable democracy with regard to recent developments 
                        within the Democratic Republic of the Congo, ...

       *  19970708      NORTH KOREA:  Subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific
                        Affairs concluded hearings on the future stability 
                        of North Korea, ...

       *  19970710      NOMINATIONS:  Committee concluded hearings on the
                        nominations of Ralph Frank, of Washington, to be
                        Ambassador to the Kingdom of Nepal, John C. Holzman,
                        of Hawaii, to be Ambassador to the People's Republic
                        of Bangladesh, and Karl Frederick Inderfurth, of North 
                        Carolina, to be Assistant Secretary of State for South 
                        Asian Affairs, ...

       *  19970715      NOMINATIONS:  Committee concluded hearings on the
                        nominations of A. Peter Burleigh, of California, to be 
                        the Deputy Representative of the United States to the
                        United Nations, with the rank and status of Ambas-
                        sador, David J. Scheffer, of Virginia, to be Ambas-
                        sador at Large for War Crimes Issues, Richard Sklar,
                        of California, to be Representative of the United
                        States to the United Nations for U.N. Management and
                        Reform, with the rank of Ambassador, Linda Jane 
                        Zack Tarr-Whelan, of Virginia, for the rank of
                        Ambassador during her tenure of service as United
                        States Representative to the Commission on the Status
                        of Women of the Economic and Social Council of the
                        United Nations, James Franklin Collins, of Illinois,
                        to be Ambassador to the Russian Federation, Marc 
                        Grossman, of Virginia, to be Assistant Secretary of
                        State for European and Canadian Affairs, John
                        Christian Kornblum, of Michigan, to be Ambassador 
                        to the Federal Republic of Germany, Stephen R.
                        Sestanovich, of the District of Columbia, as Ambas-
                        sador at Large and Special Adviser to the Secretary of 
                        State for the New Independent States, and Gordon D.
                        Giffin, of Georgia, to be Ambassador to Canada, ...

       *  19970722      CENTRAL ASIA:  Committee concluded hearings to examine
                        United States foreign policy in the independent states 
                        of the Caucasus and Central Asia, ...

       *  19970722      NOMINATION:  Committee concluded hearings on the
                        nomination of Stanley O. Roth, of Virginia, to be 
                        Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and
                        Pacific Affairs, ...

       *  19970724      NOMINATIONS:  Committee concluded hearings on the
                        nominations of David R. Andrews, of California, to be 
                        Legal Adviser, Bonnie R. Cohen, of the District of
                        Columbia, to be Under Secretary for Management, Edward
                        William Gnehm, Jr., of Georgia, to be Director General
                        of the Foreign Service, James P. Rubin, of New York,
                        to be Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, and
                        Wendy Ruth Sherman, of Maryland, to be Counselor, with
                        the rank of Ambassador during her tenure of service,
                        all of the Department of State, and George R. Munoz, 
                        of Illinois, to be President of the Overseas Private
                        Investment Corporation, United States International
                        Development Cooperation Agency, ...

       *  19970725      NOMINATIONS:  Committee concluded hearings on the
                        nominations of Maura Harty, of Florida, to be Ambas-
                        sador to the Republic of Paraguay, and James F. Mack,
                        of Virginia, to be Ambassador to the Co-operative
                        Republic of Guyana, ...

       *  19970729      NOMINATIONS:  Committee concluded hearings on the
                        nominations of Philip Lader, of South Carolina, to be 
                        Ambassador to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
                        Northern Ireland, Felix George Rohatyn, of New York,
                        to be Ambassador to France, Keith C. Smith, of
                        California, to be Ambassador to the Republic of
                        Lithuania, Richard Dale Kauzlarich, of Virginia, to be
                        Ambassador to the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
                        James W. Pardew Jr., of Virginia, for the Rank of
                        Ambassador during his tenure of service as U.S.
                        Special Representative for Military Stabilization in
                        the Balkans, Anne Marie Sigmund, of the District of
                        Columbia, to be Ambassador to the Kyrgyz Republic, and
                        Daniel V. Speckhard, of Wisconsin, to be Ambassador to
                        the Republic of Belarus, ...

       *  19970904      CAMBODIA:  Subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific
                        Affairs concluded hearings to examine the current 
                        political situation in Cambodia and the policy taken
                        by the United States in response to Hun Sen's seizure
                        of power in Cambodia, ...

       *  19970904      NOMINATION:  Committee concluded hearings on the
                        nomination of Peter L. Scher, of the District of
                        Columbia, for the rank of Ambassador during his tenure
                        of service as Special Trade Negotiator, ...

       *  19970910      NOMINATIONS:  Committee concluded hearings on the
                        nominations of Thomas J. Dodd, of the District of 
                        Columbia, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Costa
                        Rica, Donna Jean Hrinak, of Virginia, to be Ambassador
                        to the Republic of Bolivia, Edward E. Shumaker III, of
                        New Hampshire, to be Ambassador to the Republic of
                        Trinidad and Tobago, and Curtis Warren Kamman, of the
                        District of Columbia, to be Ambassador to the Republic
                        of Colombia, ...

       *  19970911      NOMINATIONS:  Committee concluded hearings on the
                        nominations of Susan E. Rice, of the District of 
                        Columbia, to be Assistant Secretary of State for
                        African Affairs, Brian Dean Curran, of Florida, to be
                        Ambassador to the Republic of Mozambique, Timberlake
                        Foster, of California, to be Ambassador to the Islamic
                        Republic of Mauritania, Tom McDonald, of Ohio, to be
                        Ambassador to the Republic of Zimbabwe, Nancy Jo
                        Powell, of Iowa, to be Ambassador to the Republic of 
                        Uganda, and Amelia Ellen Shippy, of Washington, to be
                        Ambassador to the Republic of Malawi, ...

       *  19970917      CHINA POLICY ACT:  Committee held hearings on S. 1164,
                        to state a policy of the United States that engages
                        the People's Republic of China in areas of mutual
                        interest, promotes human rights, religious freedom,
                        and democracy in China and enhances the national
                        security interests of the United States with respect
                        to China, ...

                        tee concluded hearings on the Constitution and Con-
                        vention of the International Telecommunication Union
                        (ITU), with Annexes, signed at Geneva on December 22,
                        1992, and amendments to the Constitution and Conven-
                        tion, signed at Kyoto on October 14, 1994, together 
                        with declarations and reservations by the United 
                        States as contained in the Final Acts (Treaty Doc.
                        104-34), ...

       *  19970918      NOMINATIONS:  Committee concluded hearings on the
                        nominations of Wyche Fowler, Jr., of Georgia, to be 
                        Ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Martin S.
                        Indyk, of the District of Columbia, to be Assistant
                        Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, Barbara
                        K. Bodine, of California, to be Ambassador to the
                        Republic of Yemen, Robin Lynn Raphel, of Washington,
                        to be Ambassador to the Republic of Tunisia, and
                        Johnny Young, of Maryland, to be Ambassador to the
                        State of Bahrain, ...

       *  19970923      NOMINATIONS:  Committee concluded hearings on the
                        nominations of Corinne Claiborne Boggs, of Louisiana, 
                        to be Ambassador to the Holy See, R. Nicholas Burns,
                        of Virginia, to be Ambassador to Greece, Thomas M.
                        Foglietta, of Pennsylvania, to be Ambassador to Italy,
                        and Mark Robert Parris, of Virginia, to be Ambassador
                        to the Republic of Turkey, ...

       *  19970924      NOMINATIONS:  Committee concluded hearings on the
                        nominations of Thomas S. Foley, of Washington, to be 
                        Ambassador to Japan, Alphonse F. La Porta, of New
                        York, to be Ambassador to Mongolia, and Stephen W.
                        Bosworth, of Connecticut, to be Ambassador to the
                        Republic of Korea, ...

       *  19970925      TREATIES:  Committee concluded hearings on the Treaty
                        of Maritime Boundaries between the United States and
                        the United Mexican States, signed at Mexico City, May
                        4, 1978 (Treaty Doc. 96-6), the Protocol Between the
                        United States and Canada Amending the 1916 Convention
                        for the Protection of Migratory Birds in Canada and
                        the United States, with a related exchange of notes,
                        signed at Washington on December 14, 1995 (Treaty Doc. 
                        104-28), the Protocol Between the Government of the
                        United States and the Government of the United Mexican
                        States Amending the Convention for the Protection of
                        Migratory Birds and Game Mammals, signed at Mexico
                        City on May 5, 1997 (Treaty Doc. 105-26), ...

       *  19971001      ALGERIA:  Subcommittee on Near Eastern and South Asian
                        Affairs concluded hearings to examine the current 
                        situation in Algeria, including recent human rights
                        violations, ...

       *  19971009      U.N. CLIMATE CHANGE TREATY:  Subcommittee on Inter-
                        national Economic Policy, Export and Trade Promotion
                        held hearings to examine the legally binding obliga-
                        tions and impact on the United States economy of the 
                        United Nations proposed climate change treaty which
                        will be negotiated in December 1997 in Kyoto, Japan,

       *  19971021      NOMINATIONS:  Committee concluded hearings on the
                        nominations of Steven J. Green, of Florida, to be 
                        Ambassador to the Republic of Singapore, Lange
                        Schermerhorn, of New Jersey, to be Ambassador to the
                        Republic of Djibouti, Brenda Schoonover, of Maryland, 
                        to be Ambassador to the Republic of Togo, and William
                        H. Twaddell, of D1111Rhode Island, to be Ambassador to
                        the Federal Republic of Nigeria, ...

       *  19971022      AFGHANISTAN:  Subcommittee on Near Eastern and South
                        Asian Affairs concluded hearings to examine the
                        current situation with regard to the ongoing war in
                        Afghanistan and its implications for the United 
                        States, ...

       *  19971023      NOMINATIONS:  Committee concluded hearings on the
                        nominations of Daniel Fried, of the District of
                        Columbia, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Poland,
                        Peter Francis Tufo, of New York, to be Ambassador to 
                        the Republic of Hungary, Alexander R. Vershbow, of the 
                        District of Columbia, to be United States Permanent 
                        Representative on the Council of the North Atlantic
                        Treaty Organization, with the rank and status of
                        Ambassador, Thomas J. Miller, of Virginia, for the
                        rank of Ambassador during his tenure of service as
                        Special Coordinator for Cyprus, David Timothy Johnson,
                        of Georgia, for the rank of Ambassador during his
                        tenure of service as Head of the United States
                        Delegation to the Organization for Security and
                        Cooperation in Europe, Kathryn Walt Hall, of Texas, to 
                        be Ambassador to the Republic of Austria, and James
                        Carew Rosapepe, of Maryland, to be Ambassador to
                        Romania, ...

       *  19971024      NOMINATIONS:  Committee concluded hearings on the
                        nominations of Carolyn Curiel, of Indiana, to be 
                        Ambassador to Belize, Victor Marrero, of New York, to
                        be the Permanent Representative of the United States
                        to the Organization of American States, with the rank
                        of Ambassador, Christopher C. Ashby, of Connecticut,
                        to be Ambassador to the Oriental Republic of Uruguay,
                        Timothy Michael Carney, of Washington, to be Ambas-
                        sador to the Republic of Haiti, and Stanley Louis
                        McLelland, of Texas, to be Ambassador to Jamaica, ...

       *  19971028      NOMINATIONS:  Committee concluded hearings on the
                        nominations of Richard Frank Celeste, of Ohio, to be 
                        Ambassador to India, Shaun Edward Donnelly, of
                        Indiana, to be Ambassador to the Democratic Socialist
                        Republic of Sri Lanka, and to serve concurrently and 
                        without additional compensation as Ambassador to the
                        Republic of Maldives, Edward M. Gabriel, of the
                        District of Columbia, to be Ambassador to the Kingdom
                        of Morocco, Cameron R. Hume, of New York, to be Ambas-
                        sador to the Democratic and Popular Republic of
                        Algeria, Daniel Charles Kurtzer, of Maryland, to be 
                        Ambassador to the Arab Republic of Egypt, James A.
                        Larocco, of Virginia, to be Ambassador to the State of
                        Kuwait, and Edward S. Walker, Jr., of Maryland, to be
                        Ambassador to Israel. ...

       *  19971029      NOMINATIONS:  Committee concluded hearings on the
                        nominations of William Dale Montgomery, of
                        Pennsylvania, to be Ambassador to the Republic of 
                        Croatia, Harriet C. Babbitt, of Arizona, to be Deputy 
                        Administrator, Terrence J. Brown, of Virginia, to be 
                        Assistant Administrator for Management, and Thomas H.
                        Fox, of the District of Columbia, to be Assistant
                        Administrator for Policy and Program Coordination, 
                        all of the Agency for International Development, Amy 
                        L. Bondurant, of the District of Columbia, to be
                        Representative of the United States to the
                        Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 
                        with the rank of Ambassador, Kirk K. Robertson, of
                        Virginia, to be Executive Vice President of the
                        Overseas Private Investment Corporation, Joseph A.
                        Presel, of Rhode Island, to be Ambassador to the
                        Republic of Uzbekistan, Stanley Tuemler Escudero, of
                        Florida, to be Ambassador to the Republic of
                        Azerbaijan, B. Lynn Pascoe, of Virginia, for the rank
                        of Ambassador during his tenure of Service as Special
                        Negotiator for Nagorno-Karabakh, Steven Karl Pifer, of
                        California, to be Ambassador to Ukraine, Lyndon Lowell
                        Olson, Jr., of Texas, to be Ambassador to Sweden,
                        Gerald S. McGowan, of Virginia, to be Ambassador to
                        the Republic of Portugal, Kathryn Linda Haycock
                        Proffitt, of Arizona, to be Ambassador to the Republic
                        of Malta, James Catherwood Hormel, of California, to
                        be Ambassador to Luxembourg, and David B. Hermelin, of
                        Michigan, to be Ambassador to Norway, ...

       *  19971031      NOMINATIONS:  Committee concluded hearings on the
                        nominations of Mary Mel French, of the District of 
                        Columbia, to be Chief of Protocol, and to have the
                        rank of Ambassador during her tenure of service, Betty
                        Eileen King, of Maryland, to be Representative of the
                        United States on the Economic and Social Council of
                        the United Nations, with the rank of Ambassador,
                        George Edward Moose, of Maryland, to be Representative 
                        of the United States to the European Office of the
                        United Nations, with the rank of Ambassador, Phyllis
                        E. Oakley, of Louisiana, to be Assistant Secretary of
                        State for Intelligence and Research, Nancy H. Rubin,
                        of New York, for the rank of Ambassador during her
                        tenure of service as Representative of the United 
                        States on the Human Rights Commission of the Economic
                        and Social Council of the United Nations, and Julia
                        Taft, of the District of Columbia, to be Assistant
                        Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and 
                        Migration, ...

       *  19980203      ANTI-PERSONNEL LANDMINE BANS:  Committee held hearings
                        to examine the military implications of certain
                        initiatives to prevent the United States from making
                        use of anti-personnel landmines,...

       *  19980212      ASIAN FINANCIAL CRISIS:  Committee held hearings to
                        examine the International Monetary Fund's role in the
                        Asia financial crisis,...

       *  19980225      CASPIAN SEA OIL PIPELINE:  Subcommittee on Inter-
                        national Economic Policy, Export and Trade Promotion
                        held hearings on the implementation of U.S. energy
                        policy in the Caspian region, focusing on the
                        construction of a Western Caspian Sea oil pipeline,...

                        NOMINATION:  Committee concluded hearings on the
                        nomination of Robert T. Grey, Jr., of Virginia, for
                        the rank of Ambassador during his tenure of service 
                        as United States Representative to the Conference on

       *  19980226      DRUG CERTIFICATION:  Subcommittee on Western         
                        Hemisphere, Peace Corps, Narcotics and Terrorism held
                        hearings to examine the effectiveness of the
                        certification process under the Foreign Service Act
                        used by the United States to assess how other nations
                        cooperate in their counternarcotics efforts,...

                        U.S. TRADE SANCTIONS IN ASIA:  Subcommittee on East
                        Asia and Pacific Affairs held hearings to examine
                        whether unilateral trade sanctions are an effective
                        tool of United States foreign policy in Asia,...

       *  19980304      U.S.-JAPAN RELATIONS:  Subcommittee on East Asian and  
                        Pacific Affairs concluded hearings to examine the
                        recent World Trade Organization decision in the
                        Eastman Kodak v. Fuji Photo Film dispute and its
                        implications for United States-Japan relations,...

       *  19980311      MIDDLE EAST:  Subcommittee on Near Eastern and South
                        Asian Affairs held hearings to examine recent
                        developments in the Middle East, focusing on the
                        Israel-PLO negotiating process and the role of the
                        United States in that process,...

       *  19980312      CHINESE NUCLEAR COOPERATION:  Committee held closed
                        hearings to examine certain intelligence issues
                        relating to Chinese nuclear cooperation with various

       *  19980318      AGRICULTURAL EXPORTS TO ASIA:  Subcommittee on
                        International Economic Policy, Export and Trade
                        Promotion held hearings to examine the role of the
                        International Monetary Fund (IMF) in supporting United
                        States agricultural exports to Asia,...

       *  19980324      INDONESIA:  Subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific 
                        Affairs concluded hearings to examine the current
                        economic and political situation in Indonesia,...

       *  19980325      ECONOMIC SANCTIONS REFORM:  Subcommittee on Inter-
                        national Economic Policy, Export and Trade Promotion
                        held hearings on S. 1413, to provide a framework for
                        consideration by the legislative and executive
                        branches of unilateral economic sanctions,...

       *  19980507      NOMINATIONS:  Committee concluded hearings on the
                        nominations of William Joseph Burns, of Pennsylvania,
                        to be Ambassador to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan,
                        and Ryan Clark Crocker, of Washington, to be
                        Ambassador to the Syrian Arab Republic,...

                        OVERSEAS PRIVATE INVESTMENT CORPORATION:  Subcommittee
                        on International Economic Policy, Export and Trade
                        Promotion concluded oversight hearings to examine the
                        operations of the Overseas Private Investment
                        Corporation in its implementation of foreign policy
                        investment and development priorities of the United
                        States Government,...

       *  19980513      TREATIES:  Committee concluded hearings on the
                        Montreal Protocol No. 4 to Amend the Convention for
                        the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to
                        International Carriage by Air signed at Warsaw on
                        October 12, 1929, as amended by the Protocol done at
                        The Hague on September 8, 1955 (Treaty Doc. 95-2 B),
                        the International Convention for the Protection of New
                        Varieties of Plants of December 2, 1961, as Revised at
                        Geneva on November 10, 1972, on October 23, 1978, and
                        on March 19, 1991, and signed by the United States on
                        October 25, 1991 (Treaty Doc. 104-17), the Grains
                        Trade Convention and Food Aid Convention Constituting
                        the International Grains Agreement, 1995 signed by the
                        United States on June 26, 1995 (Treaty Doc. 105-4),
                        Convention on the International Maritime Organization
                        signed at Geneva, March 6, 1948 (the IMO Convention)
                        (Treaty Doc. 104-36), and Trademark Law Treaty done at
                        Geneva on October 27, 1994, with Regulations and
                        signed by the United States on October 28, 1994
                        (Treaty Doc. 105-35),...

       *  19980518      INDONESIA:  Subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific
                        Affairs concluded hearings to examine the political
                        situation in Indonesia and the United States response
                        to recent incidents of unrest,...

       *  19980520      RUSSIAN POLICY:  Subcommittee on European Affairs
                        concluded hearings to examine Russian and domestic
                        policy issues and United States policy toward

       *  19980521      NOMINATION:  Committee concluded hearings on the
                        nomination of Jeffrey Davidow, of Virginia, to be
                        Ambassador to Mexico,...

                        Committee concluded hearings on the Convention on
                        Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in
                        International Business Transactions, adopted at Paris
                        on November 21, 1997, by a conference held under the
                        auspices of the Organization for Economic Cooperation
                        and Development, signed in Paris on December 17, 1997,
                        by the United States and 32 other nations (Treaty Doc.

       *  19980610      CAMBODIA:  Committee resumed hearings on the 
                        investigation of the impacts to United States national
                        security from advanced satellite technology exports to
                        China and Chinese efforts to influence United States

       *  19980611      NOMINATIONS:  Committee concluded hearings on the 
                        nominations of E. William Crotty, of Florida, to be
                        Ambassador to Barbados, and to serve concurrently and
                        without additional compensation as Ambassador to
                        Antigua and Barbuda, to the Commonwealth of Dominica,
                        to Grenada, to St. Kitts and Nevis, to Saint Lucia,
                        and to Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, John O'Leary,
                        of Maine, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Chile,
                        and Arthur Louis Schechter, of Texas, to be Ambassador
                        to the Commonwealth of The Bahamas,...

       *  19980616      NOMINATIONS:  Committee concluded hearings on the
                        nominations of Shirley Elizabeth Barnes, of New York,
                        to be Ambassador to the Republic of Madagascar,
                        William Davis Clarke, of Maryland, to be Ambassador to
                        the State of Eritrea, Vivian Lowery Derryck, of Ohio,
                        to be Assistant Administrator for Africa, Agency for
                        International Development, George Williford Boyce
                        Haley, of Maryland, to be Ambassador to the Republic
                        of the Gambia, Katherine Hubay Peterson, of
                        California, to be Ambassador to the Kingdom of
                        Lesotho, Charles Richard Stith, of Massachusetts, to
                        be Ambassador to the United Republic of Tanzania, Paul
                        L. Cejas, of Florida, to be Ambassador to Belgium,
                        Eric S. Edelman, of Virginia, to be Ambassador to the
                        Republic of Finland, Nancy Halliday Ely-Raphel, of the
                        District of Columbia, to be Ambassador to the Republic
                        of Slovenia, Michael Craig Lemmon, of Florida, to be
                        Ambassador to the Republic of Armenia, Rudolf Vilem
                        Perina, of California, to be Ambassador to the
                        Republic of Moldova, Edward L. Romero, of New Mexico,
                        to be Ambassador to Spain and to serve concurrently
                        and without additional compensation as Ambassador to
                        Andorra, Cynthia Perrin Schneider, of Maryland, to be
                        Ambassador to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and
                        Kenneth Spencer Yalowitz, of Virginia, to be
                        Ambassador to the Republic of Georgia,...

       *  19980618      U.S.-CHINA RELATIONS:  Subcommittee on East Asian and 
                        Pacific Affairs concluded hearings to examine recent
                        changes in congressional views of the bilateral
                        relationship between the United States and the
                        People's Republic of China, and H.R. 967, to prohibit
                        the use of United States funds to provide for the
                        participation of certain Chinese officials in
                        international conferences, programs, and activities
                        and to provide that certain Chinese officials shall be
                        ineligible to receive visas and excluded from
                        admission to the United States, H.R. 2358, to provide
                        for improved monitoring of human rights violations in
                        the People's Republic of China, H.R. 2386, to
                        implement the provisions of the Taiwan Relations Act
                        concerning the stability and security of Taiwan and
                        United States cooperation with Taiwan on the
                        development and acquisition of defensive military
                        articles, H.R. 2570, to condemn those officials of the
                        Chinese Communist Party, the Government of the
                        People's Republic of China, and other persons who are
                        involved in the enforcement of forced abortions by
                        preventing such persons from entering or remaining in
                        the United States, and H.R. 2605, to require the
                        United States to oppose the making of concessional
                        loans by international financial institutions to any
                        entity in the People's Republic of China,...

       *  19980624      ASIAN FINANCIAL CONDITION:  Subcommittee on Inter-
                        national Economic Policy, Export, and Trade Promotion
                        held hearings to examine the state of certain Asian
                        economies and currencies,...

       *  19980625      CHINA MISSILE PROLIFERATION:  Committee held closed
                        hearings to examine Chinese missile proliferation

       *  19980716      NOMINATIONS:  Committee concluded hearings on the
                        nominations of Hugh Q. Parmer, of Texas, to be
                        Assistant Administrator for Humanitarian Response,
                        Agency for International Development, Mary Beth West,
                        of the District of Columbia, for the rank of
                        Ambassador during her tenure of service as Deputy
                        Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans, Fisheries and
                        Space, John Bruce Craig, of Pennsylvania, to be
                        Ambassador to the Sultanate of Oman, Theodore H.
                        Kattouf, of Maryland, to be Ambassador to the United 
                        Arab Emirates, Elizabeth Davenport McKune, of
                        Virginia, to be Ambassador to the State of Qatar,
                        David Michael Satterfield, of Virginia, to be
                        Ambassador to the Republic of Lebanon, William B.
                        Milam, of California, to be Ambassador to the Islamic
                        Republic of Pakistan, James Howard Holmes, of
                        Virginia, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Latvia,
                        Steven Robert Mann, of Pennsylvania, to be Ambassador
                        to the Republic of Turkmenistan, Richard Nelson Swett,
                        of New Hampshire, to be Ambassador to Denmark, and
                        Melissa Foelsch Wells, of Connecticut, to be
                        Ambassador to the Republic of Estonia,...

       *  19980720      NOMINATIONS:  Committee concluded hearings on the
                        nominations of Richard E. Hecklinger, of Virginia, to
                        be Ambassador to the Kingdom of Thailand, Charles F.
                        Kartman, of Virginia, for the rank of Ambassador
                        during his tenure of service as Special Envoy for the
                        Korean Peace Talks, and Kent M. Weidemann, of
                        California, to be Ambassador to the Kingdom of

       *  19980722      NOMINATIONS:  Committee concluded hearings on the
                        nominations of David G. Carpenter, of Virginia, to be
                        Assistant Secretary of State for Diplomatic Security,
                        and to be Director of the Office of Foreign Missions,
                        and to have the rank of Ambassador during his tenure
                        of service, Bert T. Edwards, of Maryland, to be Chief
                        Financial Officer, Department of State, and Jonathan
                        H. Spalter, of the District of Columbia, to be an
                        Associate Director (Bureau of Information) of the
                        United States Information Agency,...

       *  19980910      WIPO COPYRIGHT TREATIES:  Committee concluded hearings
                        on the World Intellectual Property Organization
                        Copyright Treaty and the World Intellectual Property
                        Organization Performances and Phonograms Treaty, done
                        at Geneva on December 20, 1996, and signed by the
                        United States on April 12, 1997 (Treaty Doc.

       *  19980915      RUSSIA:  Subcommittee on European Affairs concluded
                        hearings to examine policy options for the United
                        States with regard to the current economic and
                        political situation in Russia,...

       *  19980923      NOMINATIONS:  Committee concluded hearings on the
                        nominations of Richard Henry Jones, of Nebraska, to
                        be Ambassador to the Republic of Kazakhstan, Robert
                        Patrick John Finn, of New York, to be Ambassador to
                        the Republic of Tajikistan, John Shattuck, of
                        Massachusetts, to be Ambassador to the Czech Republic,
                        and Michael J. Sullivan, of Wyoming, to be Ambassador
                        to Ireland,...

       *  19980925      NOMINATIONS:  Committee concluded hearings on the
                        nominations of Robert C. Randolph, of Washington, to
                        be Assistant Administrator for Asia and Near East
                        Affairs, Agency for International Development, B. Lynn
                        Pascoe, of Virginia, to be Ambassador to Malaysia, and
                        Diane Edith Watson, of California, to be Ambassador to
                        the Federated States of Micronesia,...

       *  19980929      NOMINATIONS:  Committee concluded hearings on the
                        nominations of Simon Ferro, of Florida, to be
                        Ambassador to the Republic of Panama, and R. Rand
                        Beers, of the District of Columbia, to be Assistant
                        Secretary of State for International Narcotics and
                        Law Enforcement Affairs,...

       *  19981002      NOMINATIONS:  Committee concluded hearings on the
                        nominations of C. Donald Johnson, Jr., of Georgia, for
                        the rank of Ambassador during his tenure of service as
                        Chief Textile Negotiator, and Frank E. Loy, of the
                        District of Columbia, to be Under Secretary for Global
                        Affairs, both of the Department of State,...

       *  19981005      START TREATY COMPLIANCE:  Committee concluded closed   
                        hearings to examine START Treaty compliance issues,...

       *  19981007      NOMINATIONS:  Committee concluded hearings on the
                        nominations of William B. Bader, of New Jersey, to be
                        Associate Director for Educational and Cultural
                        Affairs, United States Information Agency, Harold
                        Hongju Koh, of Connecticut, to be Assistant Secretary
                        of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, and
                        C. David Welch, of Virginia, to be Assistant Secretary
                        of State for International Organization Affairs,...

       *  19981008      AFGHANISTAN:  Subcommittee on Near Eastern and South
                        Asian Affairs concluded hearings to examine recent
                        events in Afghanistan,...

       ** Hearings held by Governmental Affairs

       *  19970311      DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA:  Senate Committees on Govern-
                        mental Affairs' Subcommittee on Oversight of 
                        Government Management, Restructuring, and the District 
                        of Columbia and Appropriations' Subcommittee on the
                        District of Columbia held joint hearings with the
                        House Committees on Government Reform and Oversight's
                        Subcommittee on the District of Columbia and Appro-
                        priations' Subcommittee on the District of Columbia to 
                        examine the financial condition of the government of
                        the District of Columbia, ...
                        Hearings also held on 3/13/97

       *  19970417      CHINESE ARMS PROLIFERATION:  Subcommittee on Inter-
                        national Security, Proliferation, and Federal Services
                        concluded hearings in closed session to examine
                        China's proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
                        and related technologies, missile delivery systems,
                        and advanced conventional weapons, ...

       *  19970728      CAMPAIGN FINANCING:  Committee met in closed session 
                        to discuss certain issues with regard to the commit-
                        tee's special investigation on campaign financing.

       *  19970908      NATIONAL DROUGHT POLICY:  Subcommittee on Oversight of
                        Government Management, Restructuring, and the District 
                        of Columbia concluded hearings on S. 222, to establish
                        an advisory commission to provide advice and recommen-
                        dations on the creation of an integrated, coordinated
                        Federal policy designed to prepare for and respond to
                        serious drought emergencies, ...

       ** Hearings held by Indian Affairs                

       *  19980506      TRIBAL SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY:  Committee concluded
                        hearings on S. 1691, to provide for Indian legal
                        reform, focusing on the status of tribal sovereign
                        immunity and the role it plays to preserve the Federal
                        Government's protection of tribal self-government, and
                        its impact on Indian economic development, commercial
                        dealings, and taxation,..

       ** Hearings held by Intelligence

       *  19970107      INTELLIGENCE:  Committee met in closed session to
                        consider pending committee business.

       *  19970129      INTELLIGENCE:  Committee held closed hearings on
                        intelligence matters, ...

       *  19970226      INTELLIGENCE:  Committee held closed hearings on
                        intelligence matters, ...

       *  19970318      INTELLIGENCE:  Committee met in closed session to
                        receive a briefing on intelligence matters ...

       *  19970409      INTELLIGENCE:  Committee held closed hearings on
                        intelligence matters, ...
                        Hearings also held on 4/10/97

       *  19970416      INTELLIGENCE:  Committee held closed hearings on
                        intelligence matters, ...
                        Hearings also held on 4/17/97

       *  19970423      INTELLIGENCE:  Committee held closed hearings on
                        intelligence matters, ...

       *  19970430      INTELLIGENCE:  Committee held closed hearings on
                        intelligence matters, ...

       *  19970514      INTELLIGENCE:  Committee held closed hearings on
                        intelligence matters, ...
                        Hearings also held on 5/15/97

       *  19970522      INTELLIGENCE:  Committee held closed hearings on
                        intelligence matters, ...

       *  19970709      INTELLIGENCE:  Committee held closed hearings on
                        intelligence matters, ...

       *  19970724      INTELLIGENCE:  Committee held closed hearings on
                        intelligence matters, ...

       *  19970910      INTELLIGENCE:  Committee met in closed session to
                        receive a briefing on intelligence matters ...

       *  19970918      INTELLIGENCE:  Also, committee held closed hearings on
                        related intelligence matters, ...

       *  19971022      INTELLIGENCE:  Committee held closed hearings on
                        intelligence matters, ...

       *  19971028      INTELLIGENCE:  Committee held closed hearings on
                        intelligence matters, ...

       *  19971106      INTELLIGENCE:  Committee held closed hearings on
                        intelligence matters, ...

       *  19980226      INTELLIGENCE:  Committee held closed hearings on
                        intelligence matters,...

       *  19980319      INTELLIGENCE:  Committee held closed hearings on
                        intelligence matters,...     
                        Hearings also held on 3/25, 3/26/98.

       *  19980429      INTELLIGENCE:  Committee held a closed business
                        meeting to consider intelligence matters.              
                        Hearings also held on 4/30/98.

       *  19980514      INTELLIGENCE:  Committee held closed hearings on
                        intelligence matters,...     

       *  19980602      INTELLIGENCE:  Committee met in closed session to
                        consider pending intelligence matters, but made no
                        announcements, and recessed subject to call.  

       *  19980604      NATIONAL SECURITY:  Committee held closed hearings  
                        on the investigation of the impacts to United States
                        national security from advanced satellite technology
                        exports to China and Chinese efforts to influence U.S.
                        Hearings also held on 6/5, 6/10/98.

       *  19980617      INTELLIGENCE:  Committee held closed hearings on 
                        on intelligence matters,...
                        Hearings also held on 6/24/98.

       *  19980729      INTELLIGENCE:  Committee held closed hearings on 
                        intelligence matters,...

       *  19980902      INTELLIGENCE:  Committee held closed hearings on
                        intelligence matters,...     
                        Hearings also held on 9/9, 9/16, 9/23/98.

       *  19981008      INTELLIGENCE:  Committee held closed hearings on 
                        intelligence matters,...

       ** Hearings held by Judiciary                     

       *  19970716      GLOBAL TOBACCO SETTLEMENT:  Committee held hearings to 
                        examine the terms and parametersof the proposed Global
                        Tobacco  Settlement which will mandate a total
                        reformation and restructuring of how tobacco products
                        are manufactured, marketed and distributed in America,
                        focusing on its long-term impact on children and the
                        public health, and its legal and constitutional 
                        ramifications, ...
                        Hearings also held on 7/30/97

       *  19980610      [PRESIDENTIAL DECISION DIRECTIVE (PDD-63)]:  Also,
                        committee met to receive a briefing on the
                        Presidential Decision Directive (PDD-63) aimed at
                        countering attacks on U.S. critical infrastructure,
                        and the Department of Defense exercise known as
                        "Eligible Receiver" which simulated an attack on
                        government computers to test the security of their

       *  19980901      COUNTER-TERRORISM:  Subcommittee on Technology,     
                        Terrorism, and Government Information met in closed
                        session to receive a briefing on the recent bombings
                        of the American embassies in Nairobi and Dar Es Salaam
                        and the United States response...

       ** Hearings held by Rules                         

       *  19970128      NOMINATION/ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING:  ... committee
                        concluded hearings on the nomination of Mr. [Alan 
                        M.] Hantman, [of New Jersey, to be Architect of the

       *  19970130      FEC AUTHORIZATION/CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM:  Committee
                        held hearings on proposed legislation authorizing 
                        funds for fiscal year 1998 for the Federal Election
                        Commission and on campaign finance reform proposals,

       *  19970204      COMMITTEE BUDGET REQUESTS:  Committee held hearings to 
                        receive testimony from Senators, as indicated, in
                        support of resolutions requesting funds for operating
                        expenses of their respective committees for periods
                        from March 1, 1997 through February 28, 1998, and from
                        March 1, 1998 through February 28, 1999, ...
                        Hearings also held on 2/5, 2/6/97

       *  19970305      BUDGET/OPERATIONS:  Committee held oversight hearings
                        to review the budget and operations of the National 
                        Gallery of Art and certain legislative offices, ...

       *  19970306      BUSINESS MEETING:  ... committee concluded hearings on
                        S. Res. 39 [authorizing expenditures by the Committee
                        on Governmental Affairs ...]

                        Committee concluded oversight hearings to review the
                        operations of the Smithsonian Institution, the Woodrow
                        Wilson International Center for Scholars, and the John
                        F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, ... 

       *  19970320      CRS/LOC:  Committee concluded oversight hearings to
                        review the operations and budget of the Congressional
                        Research Service and the Library of Congress, ...

       *  19970410      SENATE ELECTIONS:  Committee held hearings to review
                        certain petitions filed in connection with a contested 
                        United States Senate election held in Louisiana in
                        November 1996, ...
                        Hearings also held on 4/15/97

       *  19970514      CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM:  Committee held hearings to
                        examine the campaign finance system for Presidential 
                        elections, focusing on the growth of soft money and
                        other effects on political parties and candidates, ...

       *  19970709      SENATE ELECTIONS:  Committee met in open and closed
                        sessions to receive a briefing on the status of the 
                        investigation concerning petitions filed in connection 
                        with a contested U.S. Senate election held in
                        Louisiana in November 1996 ...
                        Hearings also held on 9/18, 10/1/97

       *  19970925      CAPITOL SECURITY:  Committee held hearings to examine
                        the security needs of the United States Capitol
                        complex, ...

       *  19971030      SENATE STRATEGIC PLANNING:  Committee held hearings 
                        to examine a process for establishing goals and
                        objectives for the administrative functions of the 
                        Senate, ...

       *  19980225      BUDGET REQUESTS:  Committee concluded oversight   
                        hearings to review the strategic plan implementation,
                        including the budget requests for fiscal year 1999,...
                        Hearings also held on 2/27/98.

       *  19980304      LIBRARY OF CONGRESS OPERATIONS:  Committee held
                        hearings on S. 1578, to require the Director of the
                        Congressional Research Service to make accessible to
                        the public via the Internet all information available
                        through the CRS web site that is not confidential,
                        including CRS issue briefs, reports, and authorization
                        or appropriations products, the proposed budget
                        request for fiscal year 1999 for the Library of
                        Congress, to review the Library's management
                        operations, and its plans for the Bicentennial
                        observance in the year 2000, and proposed legislation
                        authorizing funds for the American Folklife Center of
                        the Library of Congress,...

                        Committee concluded hearings to examine the
                        President's proposed budget request for fiscal year
                        1999 and operations of the Smithsonian Institution,
                        the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, and the
                        Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars,...

       *  19980325      FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION:  Committee concluded
                        hearings on proposed legislation authorizing funds 
                        for fiscal year 1999 for the Federal Election

       *  19980721      NOMINATIONS:  Committee concluded hearings on the
                        nominations of Scott E. Thomas, of the District of
                        Columbia, David M. Mason, of Virginia, Darryl R. Wold,
                        of California, and Karl J. Sandstrom, of Washington,
                        each to be a Member of the Federal Election

                        committee held hearings to examine issues with regard
                        to the proposed renovation of the Dirksen Senate
                        Office Building and United States Capitol dome,...

       *  19980924      CAPITOL SECURITY:  Committee held closed hearings 
                        to examine United States Capitol security issues,...   
                        Hearings also held on 9/25, 10/1/98 (closed).

       ** Hearings held by Veterans Affairs

       *  19970211      VFW PROGRAMS:  Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs
                        concluded joint hearings with the House Committee on 
                        Veterans' Affairs to review the legislative recommen-
                        dations of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United
                        States, ...

       *  19970306      VETERANS PROGRAMS:  Senate Committee on Veterans'
                        Affairs and the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs
                        concluded joint hearings to review the legislative
                        recommendations of certain veterans organizations, 

       *  19970319      DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS:  Senate Committee on
                        Veterans' Affairs concluded joint hearings with the
                        House Committee on Veterans' Affairs to review the 
                        legislative recommendations of the Disabled American
                        Veterans, ...

       *  19970320      VETERANS' PROGRAMS:  Senate Committee on Veterans'
                        Affairs concluded joint hearings with the House
                        Committee on Veterans' Affairs to examine the 
                        legislative recommendations of certain veterans
                        organizations, ...

       *  19970625      GULF WAR ILLNESSES:  Committee resumed hearings to
                        examine the United States Government's response with 
                        regard to the disclosure of information on the
                        possible exposure of United States and allied troops
                        to chemical and biological weapons during the Persian
                        Gulf War and the handling of health care concerns of
                        U.S. veterans, focusing on a related General
                        Accounting Office report, ...

       *  19970923      AMERICAN LEGION:  Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs
                        and the House Committee on Veterans Affairs concluded 
                        joint hearings to review the legislative recommenda-
                        tions of the American Legion, ...

       *  19980226      VETERANS PROGRAMS:  Senate Committee on Veterans'   
                        Affairs concluded joint hearings with the House
                        Committee on Veterans' Affairs to examine the
                        legislative recommendations of certain veteran

       *  19980303      VETERANS PROGRAMS:  Senate Committee on Veterans    
                        Affairs concluded joint hearings with the House
                        Committee on Veterans' Affairs to examine the
                        legislative recommendations of the Veterans of 
                        Foreign Wars of the United States,...

       *  19980325      VETERANS' PROGRAMS:  Senate Committee on Veterans'
                        Affairs concluded joint hearings with the House
                        Committee on Veterans' Affairs to examine the
                        legislative recommendations of certain veterans'

       *  19981006      AMERICAN LEGION:  Senate Committee on Veterans
                        Affairs concluded joint hearings with the House
                        Committee on Veterans Affairs to examine the
                        legislative recommendations of the American Legion,...

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105th Congress

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