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Lists by Congress: 110th Congress



110DGST1 - 2007 Senate Committee Meetings by Date,
Compiled from the Congressional Record's Daily Digest (January 4, 2007 - December 31, 2007)
Created January 11, 2008
811,461 bytes

110DGST2 - 2008 Senate Committee Meetings by Date,
Compiled from the Congressional Record's Daily Digest (January 3, 2008 - December 31, 2008)
Created January 5, 2009
654,336 bytes


110HRC - Hearings by Committee, then Numerical within Committee
Created April 8, 2009
114,688 bytes

110HRN - Hearings in Senate Hearing Number Order
Created April 8, 2009
131,072 bytes

110HRT - Hearings in Alphabetical Order by Title
Created April 8, 2009
98,304 bytes

Committee Prints

110PTC - Prints by Committee, then Numerical within Committee
Created May 12, 2008
4,232 bytes

110PTN - Prints in Senate Committee Prints Number Order
Created May 12, 2008
4,240 bytes

110PTT - Prints in Alphabetical Order by Title
Created May 12, 2008
3,705 bytes


110PBC - Publications by Committee, then Numerical within Committee
Created May 12, 2008
3,197 bytes

110PBN - Publications in Senate Publication Number Order
Created May 12, 2008
3,216 bytes

110PBT - Publications in Alphabetical Order by Title
Created May 12, 2008
3,031 bytes

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110th Congress

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