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2001 Senate Report Card

107th Congress, 1st Session

Hearings held in 2001, with status of printed transcripts
Compiled by John A. McGeachy, February 2, 2006 at North Carolina State University

                              Total #     Printed    Unprinted        %
                            hearings(1)   hearings    hearings     printed

Aging                           16           16            0         100% 
Agriculture                     31           31            0         100%
Appropriations                  42           38            4          90%
Armed Services                  26           24            2          92%
Banking                         38           38            0         100%
Budget                           4            4            0         100%
Commerce                        76           71            5          93%
Joint Economic                  11           11            0         100%
Energy                          48           47            1          98%
Environment                     25           25            0         100%
Ethics                           0            0            0         100%
Finance                         44           43            1          98%
Foreign Relations               71           27           44          38%
Governmental Affairs            55           54            1          98%
Health                          33           33            0         100%
Indian Affairs                  14           14            0         100%
Intelligence                    18            2           16          11%
Judiciary                       59           56            3          95%
Library                          0            0            0         100%
Narcotics Control                5            3            2          60%
Printing                         0            0            0         100%
Rules                            1            1            0         100%
Small Business                  13           13            0         100%
Taxation                         0            0            0         100%
Veterans' Affairs               17           11            6          65%

Totals                         647          562           85          87% 

(1) Arriving at a figure for the total number of hearings held by a committee
is problematical.  These conventions are used for the numbers in the first

(a) For hearings that have been printed, each physically bound volume is
counted as one hearing.  If a single bound volume of a printed hearing
contains the transcript of meetings held on multiple days, it is still counted
as a single hearing.

(b) The Daily Digest section of the Congressional Record is used to identify
unprinted hearings.  For unprinted hearings, if the Daily Digest notes the
continuation of hearings on subsequent days, those multiple meetings of a
committee are counted as a single hearing.

Frequently, however, it is not possible to determine that a hearing is to be
continued at a later date.  And later, when a second date for a hearing
appears in the Daily Digest, sometimes after a considerable length of time
between the committee meetings, the continuation of the hearing will be
counted as a second hearing, and entered separately into the appropriate

Later when (or if) the transcript of this example hearing on multiple days is
printed, it will be noted that the printed volume contains the transcript from
multiple days.  Adjustments will then be made in the databases to collapse
multiple records for the multiple meetings of the committee on the hearing
topic into a single record.  This will result in a smaller number of "Total #
hearings" than was previously recorded.

(c) Field hearings present additional problems.  They are not reported in the
Daily Digest.  I have not found a convenient source of them, and would welcome
any suggestions as to how to identify them.  The count of hearings contains
only those field hearings that have been printed; and when a new field hearing
is printed and becomes known, its addition will be added to both the "Total #
hearings" and to the "Printed hearings" columns.

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