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U.S. Congressional Committee Meetings Index

1985 to present

This feature of the U.S. Congressional Bibliographies is not presently available. Its software will be replaced by a database application.

We are sorry for any inconvenience you may have experienced. You may search the annual digest files -- found at Senate Hearings Lists and House Hearings Lists -- using your browser's find feature.

For status information you are welcome to email the editor at Jack_McGeachy@ncsu.edu

9 January 2008

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The daily Congressional Record, in addition to its verbatim transcription of the debates of the House and Senate, briefly notes meetings held by Senate, House, and Joint committees in a section called the "Daily Digest."

Staff of the NCSU Libraries has extracted the abstracts of the committee meetings reported in the Daily Digests, beginning with the 99th Congress (1985 to the present); reformatted these entries into XML records; indexed them; and makes them available via this interface.

The Daily Digests should provide an exhaustive listing of Congressional committee meetings.  However, the Congressional Bibliographies, in its Hearings Lists by Congress documents instances of meetings, primarily Hearings held in communities around the country - Field Hearings - that are not recorded in the Daily Digest.