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U.S. Senate Bibliographies

Comprehensive Lists of Hearings, Prints, and Publications

Printed by the Senate, 1983 to the present

Background | Search Daily Digests | Hearings Lists by Congress | Statistical Reports of Printed Hearings |
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File Names Used in These Pages

Much of the work conducted by the United States Congress occurs in committees composed of a select number of congressmen.  They gather information about matters before them, and develop specific legislative proposals which are then debated in the full Senate and House of Representatives.  The U.S. Congressional Committee Meetings Index may be used to identify the subjects of meetings held by committees.  As a part of Congress' deliberative process, committees produce a variety of publication types that document how issues progress through Congress.

Committee Hearings, Committee Prints, and Committee Publications comprise three of the types of documents produced during the legislative process.  These materials, together with Reports and Documents, comprise an important segment of the holdings of many of the 1300 federal depository libraries located throughout the nation.  Bibliographic records for individual titles in these series are contained in readily-available sources.  However, a comprehensive listing of Senate Hearings, Prints, and Publications is not available to libraries.

Such lists can be of great value to depository libraries, and can aid persons engaged in research on topics that Congress has investigated.  The North Carolina State University Libraries compiles data about Senate Hearings, Prints, and Publications in database files as insurance that all of the pieces are properly received and preserved.  Files are available for the 98th Congress (1983-84) to the present.

NCSU produces cumulative bibliographies of Senate Hearings, Prints, and Publications from title page proofs received monthly from the Senate Library.  They are found on the following pages:

Search Daily Digests

The Congressional Record's Daily Digest sections contain brief summaries of meetings held by Congressional committees.  Annual files containing these committee meeting descriptions for the Senate are available from links on the Hearings Lists By Congress section.

You may also search the U.S. Congressional Committee Meetings Index to determine the subjects of meetings held by Congressional Committees.

Hearings Lists by Congress, and Other Lists

These pages contain links to a variety of resources:
    annual Daily Digest files of Senate committee meetings;
    lists of printed Senate Hearings, Committee Prints, and Committee Publications, and
    lists of unprinted Senate Hearings.

Click on a Congress to view the bibliographies:

98th Congress (1983-84) 99th Congress (1985-86)
100th Congress (1987-88) 101st Congress (1989-90)
102nd Congress (1991-92) 103rd Congress (1993-94)
104th Congress (1995-96) 105th Congress (1997-98)
106th Congress (1999-2000) 107th Congress (2001-02)
108th Congress (2003-04) 109th Congress (2005-06)
110th Congress (2007-08) 111th Congress (2009-10)

Statistical Reports of Printed Hearings

These "Statistical Report Cards" contain summary statistical data which record, for each Senate committee,
    the number of Hearings held;
    show the numbers of Hearings printed and unprinted by the Government Printing Office;
    and assign a numerical grade representing how well each committee informs the nation of its activities by publishing transcripts of its Hearings.

Data is available for these eleven years, beginning with the 103rd Congress:

103rd Congress, 1st Session (1993) 103rd Congress, 2nd Session (1994)
104th Congress, 1st Session (1995) 104th Congress, 2nd Session (1996)
105th Congress, 1st Session (1997) 105th Congress, 2nd Session (1998)
106th Congress, 1st Session (1999) 106th Congress, 2nd Session (2000)
107th Congress, 1st Session (2001) 107th Congress, 2nd Session (2002)
108th Congress, 1st Session (2003)

Search Printed Hearings, Prints, and Publications Lists in Senate Bibliographies

The local WAIS search feature formerly found here is no longer available.

To obtain information about where you may locate printed copies of the documents found on this site, contact the Federal Depository Library nearest you.

Since 1997, many Senate Hearings have become available in electronic form.  The section below, Find Hearings on the Web, identifies three sites that maintain links to certain hearings available electronically.

Browse Unprinted Hearings

Some hearings are not printed and made available to the public.  This section is an attempt to document these occurrences.  Here you will find a chronological list of all known hearings, both printed and unprinted.  Here also are additional lists of unprinted hearings in date order, grouped by issuing committee, and in title order.

Data is available for nine years, 1993-2002; (103rd - 107th Congress).  A chronological list of all known hearings, both printed and unprinted, is available only the 104th thru 106th Congresses (1995-2000).

Find Hearings on the Web

Since 1997 more Hearings have become available on the Internet.  These three sources provide links to electronic Hearings.

The Senate Web Server offers a varying amount of information from and about most Senate committees.  Many electronic Hearing files (1997-) can be found here.

The Catalog of U.S. Government Publications provides links to many Congressional hearings beginning with the 105th Congress (1997 to present).

A guide maintained at the University of Michigan's Documents Center, Congressional Hearings on the Web "attempts to document [electronic] free sources of Congressional hearings available to the public without cost."  References to some hearings identified here date back to 1995.  More House hearings are available than are those from the Senate.

File Names Used in These Pages

A naming convention is used to identify the files of Hearings, Prints, and Publications, the Unprinted Hearings, and the Senate Report Cards.  This page describes how file names are chosen.