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Investments by Agency
In This Section

Federal agencies receiving Recovery Act funds are submitting weekly Financial and Activity reports detailing their recovery activities. These reports give regular updates to government officials, Congress, and the public on how much is being spent and on what, and list the agency’s major completed and planned actions related to the Recovery Act. Spending data covers total dollars made available (obligationA binding agreement that requires the government to make payments immediately or in the future.), and total dollars paid out (gross outlaysCash (currency, checks, or electronic fund transfers) or debt instruments (bonds, debentures, notes, or monetary credits) used to pay obligations.), as recorded in the agency’s financial system.

A summary and weekly progress trend of total spending data based on these reports received to-date is presented below. Click on the agency name to review an agency summary and its latest weekly report. Click on the available or paid dollar value to see a detailed breakdown by budget accounts. The table does not include funds included in the ARRA for Tax provisions.

$ (Thousands)

Totals may not add up because of rounding.

*Total excludes approved loan amounts for Guaranteed Loan Financing.

 Source: Federal Agency Financial and Activity Report.