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Agency Summary
Smithsonian Institution

Agency Recovery Site
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Financial Status

Weekly Progress
Source: Agency Financial and Activity Report
as of 2009-04-22
Financial and Activity Report

Report Date: 2009-04-17View History

 Financial Status:
  • Total Available: $3,234,499
  • Total Paid Out: $0
 Major Actions Taken to Date:
  • Senior Official designated to oversee Recovery Act spending
  • Unique Treasury Appropriation Symbol established
  • Recovery Act project list approved by OMB and Congressional oversight committees
  • Apportionment submitted and approved by OMB
  • Held senior-level meeting, including the SI Inspector General, to discuss process and procedures
  • Project managers and contract specialists assigned to each project
  • Recovery Act section established and posted on Smithsonian Web site
  • Developed a detailed matrix to track the individual projects
  • Recovery Act funds posted in the financial system
  • Senior-level monthly meetings scheduled for the remainder of the year
  • Weekly meeting established with facilities, contracting, budget, and Inspector General officials
  • Posted project progress list (public notices, RFPs, awards) on the SI web page
  • Completed obligation and outlay plan on Recovery Act projects and submitted to OMB
  • Submitted National Environment Policy Act report
 Major Planned Actions:
  • Continually update progress listing (public notices, RFPs, awards) and post on the SI web page
  • Develop detailed plan for OMB and Congress

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