Governor Joe Manchin III
Friday, April 10, 2009
Meet the Governor Meet the First Lady Meet the Governor's Cabinet Meet the Governor's Staff Submit Your Ideas Stimulus Information


Governor Manchin is committed to using the dollars that the State of West Virginia receives from the federal government through passage of the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) in ways that will create jobs and promote economic growth. During this process, the State will continue to operate a responsible government that is dedicated to bringing transparency to the Recovery Act allocation effort.

While many of the details of the Recovery Act are still being determined both on the federal and state level, the Governor has developed this website as a way to communicate with the public on what projects or proposals are already underway in West Virginia state agencies. This list will be updated as more information becomes available. In addition, if you have comments or information that you would like to share regarding West Virginia’s use of Recovery Act funds, please feel free to email

West Virginia Department of Transportation

When planning the list of highways projects to be completed with funds from the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009, Congress gave specific direction for expenditures. The directive from Congress was to invest in transportation and other infrastructure that will provide long-term economic benefits through projects that could be “shovel ready” within 120 days of enactment and are federal-aid eligible projects. In West Virginia, approximately 30 percent of the road system is eligible for federal aid funding, thus narrowing the list of potential projects eligible for the economic recovery funding.

Public Transit

West Virginia Department of Commerce

Division of Energy

As a condition of receiving our State’s share of the $3.1 billion funding for the State Energy Program (SEP) under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, our State must provide assurances that the Governor will communicate to our public utility commission and request that they implement, in appropriate proceedings, a general policy to promote energy efficiency and develop appropriate rate incentives consistent with the statutory language contained in Section 410 of ARRA. The Governor also must request that our state fire commission take certain regulatory actions to improve building energy codes, consistent with state law and state constitutional requirements, and to consider the statutory language contained in ARRA.

Division of Forestry

On February 17th, the West Virginia Division of Forestry was asked to identify and provide a list by noon on February 19th of specific projects in West Virginia that would create forestry related jobs with federal American Recovery Act funding focused on USDA Forest Service State and Private Forestry authorities. We have no knowledge at this point as to whether or not any of these proposals will receive funding.

Workforce WV
Unemployment Compensation
Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection

Clean Water

Funds in the amount of approximately $61 million were authorized to be used by the State of West Virginia under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. The EPA will award this money in a federal grant to the WV Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund program. In order to be approved to use these funds, the DEP is required to file a supplement to its Intended Use Plan for federal fiscal year 2009. The DEP’s supplement to its Intended Use Plan has been approved and accepted by the EPA, and can be accessed through the link below.

Diesel Emissions Reduction
Leaking Underground Storage Tank
State Revolving Fund

West Virginia Department of Revenue

Insurance Commission

Department of Education

Department of Education and the Arts

Commission on National and Community Service

Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety

West Virginia National Guard
Division of Criminal Justice Services

Department of Health and Human Resources

Adoption and Foster Care Programs
Head Start

Bureau of Senior Services

Higher Education Policy Commission



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