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State Receives $336 Million in Medicaid Funds from the Federal Recovery Act

Thursday, the State of North Carolina received an additional $336 million in federal funds for the Medicaid Program from the federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).  These funds will assist North Carolina in addressing the budget shortfall for the current fiscal year.

Prior to the ARRA, North Carolina received about $.65 cents of federal money for each $1 spent in the Medicaid program for medical services.  After ARRA, North Carolina is now eligible to receive about $.74 cents on the dollar.

North Carolina is eligible to receive the enhanced federal match for 27 months dating back to October 2008.  The initial $336 million received covers the months of October 2008 – February 2009.

copyright © 2009 State of North Carolina, Office of Economic Recovery & Investment