President Obama and Prime Minister Gordon Brown
White House Photo, 4/1/09, Chuck Kennedy

London G20

As the G-20 Summit approaches, the President and Prime Minister Gordon Brown hold a joint press conference following a working meeting.

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Vice President Biden in Latin America
White House Photo, 3/28/09, David Lienemann

Biden in Latin America

The Vice President returns from Latin America, where he urged a new era of cooperation.
Read his remarks and see the photos.

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President Barack Obama delivers remarks about the American automotive industry in the Grand Foyer.
White House Photo, 3/30/09, Chuck Kennedy


The President announces that his Auto Task Force has completed its evaluation of General Motors and Chrysler, and gives his response.

Watch the Video
Service and the Floods
White House Photo, 3/20/09, Pete Souza

Weekly Address: Crisis and Service

This week the President dedicates
his address to the people of North Dakota,
South Dakota, and Minnesota as they
face down disastrous flooding.

Watch the Video
White House Photo, 4/1/09, Chuck Kennedy

London G20

As the G-20 Summit approaches, the President and Prime Minister Gordon Brown hold a joint press conference following a working meeting.

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Blog Feed
WED, APRIL 1, 10:12 AM EST

Morning in London

At 10:15 A.M. London time the President and Prime Minister Gordon Brown held a joint press conference.
TUE, MARCH 31, 5:36 PM EST

The Vice President in Latin America

The Vice President returns from Latin America, where he urged a new era of partnership and cooperation. Read his remarks and see the pictures.
TUE, MARCH 31, 11:25 AM EST

The Treasury Department launches, a website dedicated to bringing transparency and clarity to the immensely complex problems in the financial system and the President’s plans to address them.


American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

Signed: Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2009 

DTV Delay Act

Signed: Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2009 

Children’s Health Insurance Reauthorization Act

Signed: Wednesday, Feb. 4, 2009 

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

Signed: Thursday, Jan. 29, 2009  



Read the President's economic agenda.

Energy & the Environment

Read the President's agenda on energy & the environment.

More Issues

Read the President's entire agenda.



A New Era of Responsibility: FY 2010 Budget
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