Paige Applauds House Majority Leader Dick Armey for Swift Introduction of New School Choice Bill
Archived Information

June 28, 2002
Dan Langan

U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige today issued the following statement applauding Rep. Dick Armey for introducing a bill that would award scholarships to help needy families in Washington, D.C., pay tuition at the school of their choice.

Armey's bill would provide families in Washington, D.C. with incomes below the poverty line scholarships of up to $5,000. Students with family incomes up to 185 percent of the poverty level ($33,226) may receive up to $3,750 in tuition assistance. At least 8,300 tuition scholarships will be awarded to needy families during the first five years.

Paige's statement follows:

"Yesterday's historic Supreme Court decision is one for America's children – one that puts the needs of the children over the needs of the system. I applaud Rep. Armey for his leadership and for seizing the momentum from yesterday by introducing a plan that will empower the neediest families in our nation's capital. Rep. Armey is a true champion of parental choice and believes parents in the District of Columbia and all across our great nation should be able to select the best education for their children.

"It's my hope that a successful plan in Washington, D.C. will send a strong message to the rest of the country that school choice must be on the menu of options for improving our schools and leaving no child behind."



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