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Education News Parents Can Use

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Empowering Parents, Creating Change: The 1st Anniversary of No Child Left Behind - Tuesday, January 21, 2003

Time: 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM ET
 Description  Where To Watch  Show Resources

With the No Child Left Behind Act, America began a promising era in our public schools. No parent will have to settle year after year for schools that do not teach and will not change. Instead of getting excuses, parents will now get choices.
- President George W. Bush

"I can assure you there is no more powerful advocate for children than a parent armed with information and options."
- Rod Paige, U.S. Secretary of Education

How has the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 impacted American education?

How does No Child Left Behind empower parents and provide them the tools to ensure a first class education for their children?

How have parents used the law to promote reading excellence and hold schools accountable for results?

How can parents promote education excellence and skill development in the home?

The January 2003 broadcast of Education News Parents Can Use celebrates the first year of the No Child Left Behind Act and its improvements in education in communities nationwide. The legislation is historic in the expansion of information and options available to parents and the role that they play in ensuing their child has access to a first-class education. The show will explain these options and feature "empowered" parents across the country who are promoting reading competence through mentoring and tutoring, supporting testing and accountability as a mechanism for improving student academic performance, and embracing school choice through the development of parent-organized charter schools and supplemental services. Throughout, the show will emphasize ways parents can promote educational excellence in the home and in the community.

The evening’s conversation will explore key questions such as:

  • How does the No Child Left Behind Act impact my home and community?
  • What options are available to parents whose children are attending underperforming and unsafe schools?
  • What can parents do to promote reading excellence in schools?
  • How are parents using the choice options in the law to strengthen their children’s school and learning community?
  • How can parents best support their children’s educational growth during the afterschool hours and in the home?
  • How can I help develop my child’s study skills and the quality of their homework assignments?

Web Cast

To view live web casts of the new series or archived webcasts of the past Satellite Town Meetings please visit http://www.connectlive.com/events/edtownmeetings/

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