Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies (Title I, Part A)

Current Section  Awards
 Office of Elementary and Secondary Education Home

Allocations to States

  • January 30, 2002 - Reallocation of School Year 2001-2002 Capital Expense Funds (Program Directive):
    [downloadable files] MS WORD (63K)
  • April 27, 2001 - Allocations of School Year 2001-2002 Funds for Programs Authorized by Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (Program Directive):
    [downloadable files] MS WORD (62K)
  • May 20, 2000 - Allocations of School Year 2000-2001 Funds for Programs Authorized by Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (Program Directive)
    [downloadable files] MS WORD (63K)
  • President's FY 2004 Budget Request for the U.S. Department of Education

PLEASE NOTE: FY 2003 Title I Allocations -- actual amounts received by LEAs will be smaller than shown due to State-level adjustments to Federal Title I allocations. States adjust allocations, for example, to reflect LEA boundary changes or the creation of new LEAs, including charter school LEAs, that are not accounted for in the Department's calculations. States also are permitted to reserve up to 1 percent of allocations for administration and must reserve 2 percent of allocations (rising to 4 percent in fiscal year 2004) for school improvement activities. These adjustments will reduce the actual amounts available under all three columns of the table.

Check budget page for most current updates.

Grant Awards

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Last Modified: 10/08/2008