Implementation and Early Outcomes of the Comprehensive School Reform Demonstration Program
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The Comprehensive School Reform Demonstration (CSRD) program provides financial assistance to help schools develop and implement systematic approaches to schoolwide improvement that are grounded in scientifically based research and effective practices. The goal of the program is to enable all children to meet challenging state academic content and achievement standards. The annual grants of at least $50,000 per school support the initial implementation costs of adopting a research-based reform strategy over a three-year period.

Created in 1998, the federal CSRD program builds on the research on effective schools and expands the concept of the Title I "schoolwide" program that was first introduced in the 1988 amendments to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). Before 1988, federal funding for low-income and low-performing schools was to provide targeted services to students on an individualized basis. Schoolwide programs allow high-poverty schools to use federal resources in a comprehensive, integrated way to reform the entire school to meet the educational needs of all students in the school. The CSRD program, targeted to schools serving the same high-poverty student populations, provided additional resources to help schools implement a cohesive reform plan. Schools receiving CSRD grants must use these funds to implement a reform strategy that is based on rigorous research, within a plan that addresses the nine components of comprehensive school reform that are described in the law.

The 1998 law required a three-year national evaluation, and the Department released its first report in 2000, documenting the early implementation of the CSRD program. This report updates the implementation data from the 2000 report and analyzes preliminary data on achievement outcomes for CSRD schools. Data sources include the National Longitudinal Survey of Schools (NLSS), National School-Level State Assessment Score Database, the Field-Focused Study of the CSRD Program, and the Southwest Educational Development Laboratory (SEDL) database of grantee information.

Key Study Findings

CSRD funds are well targeted.

CSRD schools are more likely to adopt external reform models, and staff in CSRD schools showed greater support for the school's chosen reform method. In a number of other areas, CSRD schools and non-CSRD schoolwide programs did not differ significantly, although this was often because the non-CSRD schools as well as CSRD schools were highly likely to report practices associated with comprehensive school reform.

Case studies in 18 sites indicate that implementation of the nine CSRD components was mixed.

Early evidence suggests that student achievement improved in CSRD schools, but there was no relationship between CSRD funding and improved student achievement.

These findings regarding student outcomes are preliminary, because the time frame covered here is too short to expect large effects of the CSRD program. Most schools had been receiving CSRD funding for only one or two years, and the state assessment data that was available provided only one or two years of achievement change data. Additional time would allow for deeper implementation of reforms. Additional time would also provide increased data points, allowing for a more robust analysis. A later report on student achievement in the first cohort of CSRD grantee would offer a better understanding of the progress of schools participating in this program.

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Last Modified: 05/26/2004