2007 American Stars of Teaching
December 2007
Archived Information

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"Committed and effective teachers are essential to making No Child Left Behind work for all children."
—U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings

Honoring Effective Teachers

  • The U.S. Department of Education recognizes American Stars of Teaching for the fourth year, spotlighting some of our nation's most highly effective teachers and honoring these important professionals working hard for students.
  • The American Stars of Teaching are teachers who are improving student achievement, increasing opportunities for students, and using innovative strategies to make a difference in the lives of their students. They are honored for their classroom contributions and successful incorporation of the No Child Left Behind Act.
  • The 2007 American Stars represent teachers across all grade levels and disciplines. One American Star will be honored in each state and the District of Columbia this fall during surprise school visits by Department officials.
  • A selecting committee comprised of former K-12 teachers who now work for the U.S. Department of Education reviewed over 4,000 nominations for the 2007 American Stars of Teaching.
  • The 2004-2006 American Stars are listed at Nominations for the 2008 American Stars of Teaching will be accepted beginning in January 2008.

The American Stars of Teaching program is a component of the U.S. Department of Education's Teacher-to-Teacher Initiative, which was developed by teachers, for teachers. The Teacher-to-Teacher Initiative is engaging some of our nation's best teachers and practitioners in sharing strategies to raise student achievement and inform teachers of successful research-based practices. The Initiative had helped more than 300,000 teachers learn effective strategies for raising student achievement—and is expected to reach the teachers of more than one million students this year.

  • Teacher Training Corps: The Corps is made up of teachers and practitioners from across the country experienced in scientifically based instruction who host regional workshops and provide on-site technical assistance, e-mail mentoring, webcasts and follow-up visits to other educators to share effective strategies.

  • Teacher Updates: Teachers may receive electronic updates from the U.S. Department of Education by signing up at These short "e-bytes" address topics including federal policy and also provide links to classroom teaching and learning aides.

  • Teacher Roundtables and Workshops: The Department has hosted teacher roundtables and 19 free summer workshops this year on various topics so Department officials could interact with teachers and listen to their concerns.

  • "Teachers Ask the Secretary": This easy-to-use interactive feature allows teachers to ask questions of the Secretary of Education and learn answers on a wide range of issues: teacher quality, professional development, state academic standards and more. The page will be regularly updated to include as many topics as possible.

  • Tribal Teacher Workshop: Beginning in the Fall of 2007, these online workshops will provide resourcesfor teachers of Native American and Alaska Native Students.

  • Doing What Works for Teachers: Research based effective practices will be highlighted on this website. Resources will include current topics of research, practice guides, digital learning, lessons, strategies, and implementation support.

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Last Modified: 12/11/2007