Academies for American History and Civics

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Funding Status

FY 2008

Appropriation: $1,945,409
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 0
Number of Continuation Awards: 5
Average Continuation Award: $389,000
Range of Continuation Awards: $209,000–$598,000


Appropriation: $1,980,000


Appropriation: $700,000

Estimated Number of Awards: 1-2.
The number of awards made under this competition will depend upon the quality of the applications received. The size of the awards will depend upon the scope of the projects proposed. Contingent upon the availability of funds and the quality of applications, the Department may make additional awards in FY 2007 from the list of unfunded applications from this competition.

Note: The Department is not bound by any estimates in this notice.

Project Period: Up to 36 months.
Budget Period: 12 months. (The first budget period is the first 12 months of the project period; the second budget period commences on the first day following the first budget period and so on.)

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Last Modified: 08/29/2008