Statement by U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige on the Resignation of Assistant Secretary Carol D'Amico
Archived Information

May 30, 2003
Contact: Jim Bradshaw
(202) 401-1576

U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige today issued the following statement upon the resignation of Carol D'Amico, assistant secretary for vocational and adult education. D'Amico announced that she is resigning effective June 30, 2003 to return to her home state of Indiana.

"Carol has done an outstanding job, and I'm sorry to see her leave. She has been a tireless advocate for updating and strengthening our vocational education policies by emphasizing greater reading and math skills as a foundation for all students to compete for work in the 21st century. She has helped us focus greater attention on promoting excellence in secondary education -- especially through her efforts with the Center for State Scholars to encourage states to establish policies and incentives to support high school students in completing rigorous courses of study and preparing them for postsecondary education and careers. She has been a wonderful ambassador for our Department, and we will miss her."

Regarding her resignation, D'Amico said:

"Two years ago, we identified goals that have been met, and now I would like to return to education at the state and institution level, where I look forward to making a difference. It has been a tremendous honor and rare privilege for me to serve in the administration. I am indebted to the president for allowing me to serve him and our great nation."



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