Comment from Secretary Paige in Response to the President's Education Proposals
Archived Information

September 3, 2004
Contacts: Susan Aspey
(202) 401-1576

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The President's New Education Proposals

U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige released the following comments about President Bush's education proposals, announced last evening:

"President Bush, the Congress and I all understand the importance of having a can-do attitude about public education in the United States. We all share the philosophy of holding America's students to high standards and high expectations, and of providing all of them the opportunity to learn. That's why the No Child Left Behind Act was supported by Democrats and Republicans. I hope the president's latest proposals will be met with equal support from both parties, just as No Child Left Behind was three years ago. I firmly believe education should not be a partisan issue.

"We know that if we expect results from our nation's students, they will deliver. No Child Left Behind has proven it: students are delivering. All across the country, we are starting to see the fruits of their labors as test scores are rising and the achievement gaps are starting to close.

"The president's proposals reflect his desire to continue the culture of achievement and accountability. We want to ensure that our children enter schools ready to learn at a young age, and that they leave ready to enter the 21st-century workplace or higher education institutions, as they choose. That's why he has proposed focusing on early literacy, continuing with the Early Reading First and Reading First initiatives, and helping children in middle and high school with the Striving Readers program.

"Investment in the education of our nation's youths is a top national priority. This president, working with Congress, has shown that he understands that resources for students at all levels—whether they be in elementary school or high school—will pay off. We must ensure that our educational excellence starts early and is sustained throughout the entire education system."



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Last Modified: 09/03/2004