[Federal Register: June 20, 2001 (Volume 66, Number 119)]
[Page 33055-33057]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



[CFDA No.: 84.351-C]

The Professional Development for Music Educators Program

AGENCY: Department of Education.

ACTION: Notice inviting applications for new awards for fiscal year 
(FY) 2001.


    Purpose of Program: The Professional Development for Music 
Educators Program, funded under Subpart 1 of Part D of Title X of the 
Elementary and Secondary Education Act, makes grants to eligible 
entities for the development of high-quality professional development 
programs for K-12 music educators. Professional development model 
programs based upon innovative methodologies or best practices will be 
funded under this program.
    Eligible Applicants: A local educational agency (LEA), acting on 
behalf of an individual school or schools where 75 percent or more of 
the children are from low-income families, based on the poverty 
criteria described in Title I Section 1113(a)(5) of the Elementary and 
Secondary Education Act, in collaboration with at least one of the 
following: (1) Institution of higher education; (2) State educational 
agency; or (3) public or private non-profit agency with a history of 
providing high-quality professional development services to public 
schools. Only schools where 75 percent or more of the children served 
are from low-income families may receive services under this program. 
Each school served through this program must submit evidence that it 
meets the poverty criteria. Applicants may submit records kept for the 
purpose of Title I of the ESEA that demonstrate proof of eligibility 
for each school to be served.

    Note: The LEA must serve as the fiscal agent for the program.

    Applications Available: June 20, 2001.
    Applications Must be Received By: August 6, 2001.,
    Deadline for Intergovernmental Review: September 4, 2001.
    Available Funds: approximately $2,000,000.
    Estimated Number of Awards: 7-10.
    Estimated Size of Awards: $100,000--$250,000.
    Average size of Awards: $200,000.

    Note: These estimates are projections for the guidance of 
potential applicants. The Department is not bound by any estimates 
in this notice. The Administration is not requesting funding for 
this program in FY 2002.

    Project Period: 12 months.
    Applicable Regulations: The Education Department General 
Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) in 34 CFR parts 74, 75, 77, 79, 80, 
81, 82, 85, 97, 98, and 99.
    E-Mail Notification of Intent to Apply for Funding: The Department 
will be able to develop a more efficient process for reviewing grant 
applications if it has a better understanding of the number of entities 
that intend to apply for funding under this competition. Therefore, the 
Secretary strongly encourages each potential applicant to notify the 
Department by e-mail that it intends to submit an application for 
funding. The Secretary requests that this e-mail notification be sent 
no later than July 20, 2001. The e-mail notification should be sent to 
Ms. Madeline Baggett at madeline.baggett@ed.gov. Applicants that fail 
to provide this e-mail notification may still apply for funding.



    Participation in music education programs fosters an appreciation 
of music, creativity in expression, and greater academic potential for 
all students. Recent studies have linked student participation in music 
programs to academic and potential academic benefits including:
    (1) Improved scores on standardized tests; (2) improved math 
achievement; and (3) improved reading achievement.
    Research has demonstrated a correlation between the development of 
musical ability and positive academic and behavioral changes. Students, 
especially middle and high school youth, are encouraged to express 
themselves through music education. Positive academic gains as well as 
increased self-confidence, motivation, and willingness to remain in 
school have been reported. In addition, students participating in band 
and orchestra have exhibited:
    (1) Increased facility in non-verbal expression of ideas; (2) 
increased utilization of a variety of problem-solving skills; (3) 
greater success in collaborative learning environments; and (4) 
learning involving multiple intelligences.
    While all students have musical ability, not all students are able 
to develop fully their musical potential. Financially strapped school 
districts often cut or curtail arts education programs, including music 
programs. Professional development opportunities for teachers are 
generally inadequate as well. Support for high-quality professional 
development for music teachers would enable them to assist students, 
especially in high-poverty schools where funding deficits are most 
severe, in developing their musical talents and abilities and in 
potentially improving in other academic areas as well.

Program Purposes

    The extent to which teachers have received substantial formal 
education in their field directly affects their effectiveness in the 
classroom. Research findings have established a clear connection 
between teacher qualifications and student performance. The fundamental 
characteristics of effective professional development are well 
documented, and studies continue to indicate that sustained, 
substantive teacher learning must take place if students are to learn 
to high standards. In addition, teachers must have sufficient time to 
absorb and apply new knowledge in their classrooms.
    High-quality music education programs are integrally linked to the 
qualifications of the music educators. Students have a greater 
likelihood of success when their teachers are qualified music 
professionals whose ongoing professional development enables them to 
offer high-quality instruction linked to performance standards. While 
adequate staff, facilities, and equipment are important

[[Page 33056]]

components of any successful music education program, teacher 
qualifications and continued professional growth opportunities are the 
factors that most directly affect student achievement.
    Music content and achievement standards have been voluntarily 
adopted in many States throughout the country. Such standards help 
school districts to establish student performance standards based upon 
the unique needs of, and desired outcomes for, the students in their 
communities. The development and implementation of standards-based 
music programs enable music educators to assess and document the 
effectiveness of teaching strategies and materials in addition to 
student achievement. However, teachers often need professional 
development on how to implement music education standards for both 
music programs and programs designed to integrate music into other 
subject areas.
    Further, high-quality professional development programs for music 
educators should address and strive to achieve: (1) Increased student 
learning and teacher effectiveness; (2) the development of strategies 
for meeting the needs of students who come from diverse cultural, 
linguistic, and socioeconomic backgrounds; (3) rigorous and sustained 
training activities; (4) the intellectual and leadership development of 
teachers; (5) increased content knowledge for music teachers; (6) the 
application of relevant innovations in technology in music instruction; 
and (7) increased opportunities for teachers to share and discuss new 
methodologies or teaching strategies with their peers.
    At the end of the project period, EDGAR (34 CFR 75.590) requires 
each grantee to submit a final program report. The Department intends 
to utilize information from the final report to determine which 
professional development programs have the greatest potential for 
improving teacher expertise in, and ultimately student performance in, 
music education. The Department will disseminate information regarding 
successful teaching methodologies or best practices that are developed, 
enhanced, or expanded through this program to the music education 
community and to the public in general.

Waiver of Proposed Rulemaking

    In accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 553), 
it is the practice of the Secretary to offer interested parties the 
opportunity to comment on proposed rules. Section 437(d)(1) of the 
General Education Provisions Act (GEPA), however, allows the Secretary 
to exempt rules governing the first competition under a new or 
substantially revised program authority (20 U.S.C. 1232(d)(1)). Funding 
was provided for this new initiative in the Fiscal Year 2001 Department 
of Education Appropriations Act, enacted in December of 2000. Because 
this competition is the first competition under the program, it 
therefore qualifies as a new competitive grants program. The Secretary, 
in accordance with section 437(d)(1) of GEPA has decided to forego 
public comment in order to ensure timely grant awards. These rules will 
apply to the FY 2001 grant competition only.

Coordination Requirement

    A recipient of funds under this program shall, to the extent 
possible, coordinate projects assisted under this program with 
appropriate activities of public and private cultural agencies, 
institutions, and organizations, including museums, arts education 
associations, libraries, and theaters.

Absolute Priority

    Under 34 CFR 75.105(c)(3), the Secretary gives an absolute priority 
to professional development programs designed for K-12 music teachers 
that focus on: (1) The development, enhancement, or expansion of 
standards-based music education programs; or (2) the integration of 
music instruction into other subject area content. Funded projects will 
address and strive to achieve all aspects of high-quality professional 
development programs as described under the Program Purposes section.
    Under 34 CFR 75.105(c)(3), the Secretary will fund under this 
competition only applicants that meet the absolute priority.

General Requirements

    The following requirements must be met for any application 
submitted under this program:
    (a) The program narrative is limited to no more than 40 pages using 
the following standards: (1) Each ``page'' is 8.5"  x  11" (on one side 
only) with one inch margins (top, bottom, and sides); and (2) Double 
space (no more than three lines per vertical inch) all text in the 
application narrative, including titles, headings, footnotes, 
quotations, and captions, as well as all text in the application 
narrative, including titles, headings, footnes, quotations, captions, 
as well as all text in charts, tables, figures, and graphs. The page 
limit applies to the narrative section only. However, all of the 
application narrative must be included in the narrative section. If the 
narrative section of an application exceeds the page limitation, the 
application will not be reviewed. (b) the projects funded under this 
priority must budget for a two-day Project Directors' meeting in 
Washington, DC.

Selection Criteria

    The Secretary will use the following selection criteria in 34 CFR 
75.210 to evaluate applications under this competition. The maximum 
score for each criterion is 100 points. The maximum score for each 
criterion is indicated in parenthesis with the criterion. The criteria 
are as follows:

(a) Significance  (15 points)

    (1) The Secretary considers the significance of the proposed 
    (2) In determining the significance of the proposed project, the 
Secretary considers the following factors:
    (i) The extent to which the proposed project involves the 
development of promising new strategies that build on, or are 
alternatives to, existing strategies.
    (ii) The potential replicability of the proposed project or 
strategies, including, as appropriate, the potential for implementation 
in a variety of settings.
    (iii) The importance or magnitude of the results or outcomes likely 
to be attained by the proposed project, especially improvements in 
teaching and student achievement.

(b) Quality of the Project Design  (20 Points)

    (1) The Secretary considers the quality of the project design of 
the proposed project.
    (2) In determining the quality of the project design, the Secretary 
considers the following factors:
    (i) The extent to which the proposed project represents an 
exceptional approach for meeting the priority established for the 
    (ii) The extent to which the goals, objectives, and outcomes to be 
achieved by the proposed project are clearly specified and measurable.
    (iii) The quality of the methodology to be employed in the proposed 

(c) Quality of Project Services  20 Points)

    (1) The Secretary considers the quality of project services to be 
provided by the proposed project.
    (2) In determining the quality of the services to be provided by 
the proposed project, the Secretary considers the quality and 
sufficiency of strategies for ensuring equal access and treatment for

[[Page 33057]]

eligible project participants who are members of groups that have 
traditionally been underrepresented based on race, color, national 
origin, gender, age, or disability.
    (3) In addition, the Secretary considers the following factors:
    (i) The extent to which the services to be provided by the proposed 
project reflect up-to-date knowledge from research and effective 
    (ii) The extent to which the professional development services to 
be provided by the proposed project are of sufficient quality, 
intensity, and duration to lead to improvements in practice among the 
recipients of those services.

(d) Quality of Project Personnel  (10 points)

    (1) The Secretary considers the quality of the personnel who will 
carry out the proposed project.
    (2) In determining the quality of project personnel, the Secretary 
considers the extent to which the applicant encourages applications for 
employment from persons who are members of groups that have 
traditionally been under represented based on race, color, national 
origin, gender, age, or disability.
    (3) In addition, the Secretary considers the following factors:
    (i) The qualifications, including relevant training and experience, 
of the project director;
    (ii) The qualifications, including relevant training and 
experience, of key project personnel.
    (iii) The qualification, including relevant training and 
experience, of project consultants or subcontractors.

(e) Adequacy of Resources  (10 points)

    (1) The Secretary considers the adequacy of resources for the 
proposed project.
    (2) In determining the adequacy of resources for the proposed 
project, the Secretary considers the following factors:
    (i) The adequacy of support, including facilities, equipment, 
supplies, and other resources, from the lead applicant organization.
    (ii) The extent to which the costs are reasonable in relation to 
the number of persons to be served and to the anticipated results and 
    (iii) The potential for incorporation of project purposes, 
activities or benefits into the ongoing program of the agencies or 
organizations involved in the project at the end of Federal funding.

(f) Quality of the Management Plan  (10 points)

    (1) The Secretary considers the quality of the management plan for 
the proposed project.
    (2) In determining the quality of the management plan for the 
proposed project, the Secretary considers the following factors:
    (i) The adequacy of the management plan to achieve the objectives 
of the proposed project on time and within budget, including clearly 
defined responsibilities, time lines, and milestones for accomplishing 
project tasks.
    (ii) The adequacy of procedures for ensuring continuous feedback 
and continuous improvement in the operation of the proposed project.
    (iii) The extent to which the time commitments of the project 
director and other key project personnel are appropriate and adequate 
to meet the objectives of the proposed project.

(g) Quality of the Project Evaluation  (15 points)

    (1) The Secretary considers the quality of the project evaluation.
    (2) In determining the quality of the project evaluation, the 
Secretary considers the following factors:
    (i) The extent to which the methods of evaluation include objective 
performance measures that are clearly related to the intended outcomes 
of the project and will produce quantitative and qualitative data to 
the extent possible.
    (ii) The extent to which the evaluation will provide guidance about 
effective strategies suitable for replication or testing in other 

For Applications or Information Contact

    Madeline E. Baggett, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland 
Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20202-6140. Telephone (202) 260-2502. 
Individuals who use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) may 
call the Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1-800-877-8339.
    Individuals with disabilities may obtain this document in an 
alternative format (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, or computer 
diskette) on request to the contact person listed in the preceding 
    Individuals with disabilities may obtain a copy of the application 
package in an alternative format also by contacting that person. 
However, the Department is not able to reproduce in an alternative 
format the standards forms included in the application package.

Electronic Access to this Document

    You may view this document, as well as all other Department of 
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    To use PDF you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is available 
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    Note: The official version of this document is the document 
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    Program Authority: 20 U.S.C. 8091.

    Dated: June 14, 2001.
Thomas M. Corwin,
Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary 
[FR Doc. 01-15556 Filed 6-19-01; 8:45 am]