National Assessment of Title I: Interim Report to Congress

As part of NCLB, the Congress mandated a National Assessment of Title I (Section 1501) to evaluate the implementation and impact of the program. This mandate also required the establishment of an Independent Review Panel (IRP) to advise the Secretary on methodological and other issues that arise in carrying out the National Assessment and the studies that contribute to this assessment. In addition, the law specifically requires a longitudinal study of Title I schools to examine the implementation and impact of the Title I program.

Volume I contains key findings on the implementation of Title I under No Child Left Behind. Volume II is a report on the findings from Closing the Reading Gap, an evaluation of the impact of supplemental remedial reading programs on student achievement.

Executive Summarydownload files PDF (770.37 KB) | MS Word (784 KB)

Volume I: Implementation of Title Idownload files PDF (10.09 MB) | MS Word (2.29 MB)| Structured Abstract

Volume II: Closing the Reading Gap: First Year Findings from a Randomized Trial of Four Reading Interventions for Striving Readersdownload files PDF (2.37 MB) | MS Word (4.63 MB) | Structured Abstract

Volume II Tables — download files MS Excel (6.91MB)

Volume II Appendices Tables download files MS Excel (750KB)

The Final Report of the National Assessment of Title I was released in 2007 and is available at

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Last Modified: 09/22/2008