Grantmaking at ED -- 1. Before We Begin
August 2005

This publication is intended for readers who are interested in applying to the U.S. Department of Education (Department or ED) for discretionary grants and cooperative agreements, have received an award, or are simply interested in knowing more about the Department’s discretionary grants process. It describes how grant programs are created by Congress and administered by the Department, and how the public goes about applying for and receiving discretionary grants.

This publication does not contain information about programs of the Department that give student financial assistance or funding through formula grant programs.

How do I apply for student financial assistance?

The student aid programs in the Office of Federal Student Aid (FSA) offer individuals financial help to pursue their educational goals. Under these programs, the Department makes a variety of grants and loans for postsecondary education. For more information about these programs and the application process, call:


or access FSA on the Department’s Web site at:

What is a formula grant and how do I get more information about formula grant programs?

A formula grant is an award that is based on a predetermined formula and is given non-competitively. These grants are funded under what are sometimes referred to as "state-administered programs" or "statutory entitlement programs," and are administered by various program offices within the Department. Generally, formula grants are awarded to state agencies that administer various kinds of assistance, mostly to local education agencies (LEA). Information about formula grant programs at the U.S. Department of Education is contained in the Guide to U.S. Department of Education Programs (the Guide). Information about accessing the Guide online is given in the following sections, as well as in the Other Information section that begins after the Glossary of this publication. Contact the program office that administers the particular formula grant program in which you are interested.

Note: Terms in bold italics the first time they are used are defined in the 'Glossary,' which begins immediately following Chapter 8 of this booklet.


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Last Modified: 08/11/2006