Other Sites: Special Education and Rehabilitative Services

Association of Service Providers Implementing IDEA Reforms in Education (ASPIRE) and IDEA Local Implementation by Local Administrators (ILIAD)
The ASPIIRE and ILIAD Partnership Projects involve professional organizations working together to provide needed information, ideas and technical assistance to implement the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1997 (IDEA '97). Building upon the strengths, capacity and resources of partner associations, the ASPIIRE and ILIAD Partnership Projects provide guidance for implementing IDEA '97 and a direct linkage to the many promising and effective practices throughout the nation.

Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice (CECP)
It is the mission of the Center to support and to promote a reoriented national preparedness to foster the development and adjustment of children with or at risk of developing serious emotional disturbance. To achieve that goal, the Center is dedicated to a policy of collaboration at Federal, state, and local levels that contributes to and facilitates the production, exchange, and use of knowledge about effective practices.

Center for Positive Behavioral Supports
The Center's purpose is to give schools capacity-building information and technical assistance for identifying, adapting, and sustaining effective school-wide disciplinary practices. The Center has two foci: (1) Broad dissemination to schools, families, and communities about a technology of school-wide positive behavioral interventions and support exists; and (2) Demonstrations at the level of individual students, schools, districts, and states that school-wide positive behavioral interventions and support are feasible and effective.

Center for Special Education Finance (CSEF)
The Center for Special Education Finance (CSEF) was established in October 1992 to address fiscal policy questions related to the delivery and support of special education services throughout the United States.

Center of Minority Research in Special Education (COMRISE)
COMRISE is designed to enhance the capacity of researchers in special education from historically Black colleges and universities and other minority institutions of higher education (IHEs) to build and pursue research agendas focused on minority issues in special education.

The Center on Accelerating Student Learning (CASL)
The Center on Accelerating Student Learning (CASL) is designed to accelerate learning for students with disabilities in the early grades and thereby to provide a solid foundation for strong achievement in the intermediate grades and beyond. CASL is a five-year collaborative research effort supported by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). Participating institutions are the University of Maryland, Teachers College of Columbia University, and Vanderbilt University.

Consortium for Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Special Education and Support
CADRE's mission is to provide technical assistance and serve as an information clearinghouse on dispute resolution in special education.

Consortium on Inclusive Schooling Practices (CISP)
The Consortium on Inclusive Schooling Practices represents a collaborative effort to build the capacity of state and local education agencies to serve children and youth with and without disabilities in school and community settings. The focus of the project is on systemic reform rather than changes in special education systems only.

CPB/WGBH National Center for Accessible Media (NCAM)
The CPB/WGBH National Center for Accessible Media (NCAM) is a research and development facility that works to make media accessible to underserved populations such as disabled persons, minority-language users, and people with low literacy skills.

The National Information Clearinghouse on Children Who Are Deaf-Blind (DB-LINK) is a federally funded information and referral service that identifies, coordinates, and disseminates (at no cost) information related to children and youth who are deaf-blind (ages 0 to 21 years).

Descriptive Video Service
Making television and movies more accessible to people who are blind or have low vision! A service of the WGBH Educational Foundation in Boston. Discover how you can experience television and Hollywood movies on video like you never have before with DVS!

Families and Advocates Partnership for Education (FAPE)
The Family & Advocates Partnership in Education (FAPE) is a new project which aims to inform and educate families and advocates about the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1997 (IDEA 97).The Partnership helps to ensure that the changes made in IDEA are understood by families and advocates and are put into practice at local and state levels.

Family Center on Technology and Disability
The purpose of the Family Center is to assist organizations and programs who serve families of children with disabilities by providing information and support on accessing and using assistive technology.

The Federal Resource Center for Special Education (FRC)
FRC seeks to respond quickly to the needs of students with disabilities, and the families, professionals, and communities who are associated with these students, and encourages the development of programs for students with disabilities that will lead to the educational results needed for employment, a good family life, and positive participation in the community.

HEATH Resource Center
National Clearinghouse on Postsecondary Education for Individuals with Disabilities. The HEATH Resource Center of the American Council on Education is the national clearinghouse on postsecondary education for individuals with disabilities. Support from the United States Department of Education enables HEATH to serve as an information exchange about educational support services, policies, procedures, adaptations, and opportunities at American campuses, vocational-technical schools, and other postsecondary training entities.

Make It Happen!
Make It Happen! is an approach that improves middle school education for students with diverse learning abilities. In the Make It Happen! approach, interdisciplinary teams of teachers design and implement inquiry-based I-Search Units and integrate technology into these units in meaningful ways to benefit students. Make It Happen! is the result of 10 years of research, evaluation, and technical assistance at Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC) in Newton, Massachusetts.

The National Center for the Dissemination of Disability Research (NCDDR)
The NCDDR's purpose is to enhance the dissemination efforts of NIDRR funded research projects and to increase the accessibility of research outcomes for the benefit of their consumers, particularly those from minority backgrounds.

National Center on Accessing the General Curriculum (NCAC)
The purpose of this Cooperative Agreement between CAST and the U.S. Department of Education is to support a strategic research program to synthesize existing knowledge and to evaluate policies that affect access to the general education curriculum, and to plan and implement national leadership and dissemination activities.

The National Center on Education, Disability, and Juvenile Justice
The National Center on Education, Disability, and Juvenile Justice is a collaborative research, training, technical assistance and dissemination program designed to develop more effective responses to the needs of youth with disabilities in the juvenile justice system or those at-risk for involvement with the Juvenile Justice System.

National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO)
The National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO) was established in 1990 to provide national leadership in the identification of outcomes, indicators, and assessments to monitor educational results for all students, including students with disabilities.

National Center on Secondary Education and Transition (NCSET)
The NCSET seeks to increase the capacity of national, state and local agencies and organizations to improve secondary education and transition results for youth with disabilities and their families.

The National Center to Improve Practice (NCIP)
NCIP promotes the effective use of technology to enhance educational outcomes for students with sensory, cognitive, physical and social/emotional disabilities by linking a national community of educators who share their knowledge, experience, and questions about assistive and instructional technologies through facilitated discussion forums.

National Center to Improve the Tools of Educators (NCITE)
NCITE's purpose is to advance the quality and effectiveness of technology, media, and materials for individuals with disabilities. NCITE creates a marketplace demand for the selection and appropriate use of research-based technology, media, and materials (TMM).

National Clearinghouse for Professions in Special Education
NCPSE is committed to enhancing the nation's capacity to recruit, prepare, and retain well-qualified and diverse educators and service personnel for children with disabilities.

The National Early Childhood Technical Assistance System (NEC*TAS)
NEC*TAS is funded by the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) to support the development of policies, programs, and practices for young children with disabilities and their families.

The National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities (NICHCY)
NICHCY provides information on disabilities and disability-related issues, links people with others who share common concerns, publishes newsletters and issue papers, and generally helps information flow between people who have it and people who need it.

National Institute for Urban School Improvement
The mission of the National Institute for Urban School Improvement is to support inclusive urban communities, schools, and families to build their capacity for sustainable, successful urban education.

The National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR)
NIDRR provides leadership and support for several programs related to the rehabilitation of individuals with disabilities.

The National Rehabilitation Information Center (NARIC)
NARIC is funded by the Department of Education to disseminate information on spinal cord injury, head injury, assistive technology, the Americans with Disabilities Act, independent living, return to work, vocational rehabilitation, etc.

National Technical Assistance Consortium for Children and Young Adults Who Are Deaf-Blind (NTAC)
NTAC (The National Technical Assistance Consortium for Children and Young Adults Who Are Deaf-Blind) provides technical assistance to families and agencies serving children and young adults who are deaf-blind.

OSERS Regional Resource and Federal Centers (RRFC)
The Regional Resource Centers are Office of Special Education Programs-funded programs that provide technical assistance services to state education agencies in the fifty states and seven U.S. jurisdictions. They are specifically funded to help states improve programs and services for children and youth with disabilities, their families, and the professionals who serve them.

Parents Engaged in Education Reform (PEER)
PEER???s purpose is to increase the participation of parents of children with disabilities and their organizations in school reform efforts.

The Policy Maker Partnership for Implementing IDEA '97 (PMP)
The Policymaker Partnership is one of four linked projects funded by the United States Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs. These projects are designed to deliver a common message about the 1997 landmark amendments to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to four specific audiences:

  • Policymakers: Policymaker Partnership (PMP)
  • Local Administrators: Local Implementation by Local Administrators (ILIAD)
  • Service Providers: Associations of Service Providers Implementing IDEA Reforms in Education (ASPIIRE)
  • Families & Communities: Families & Advocates Partnership for Education (FAPE)

Postsecondary Education Consortium (PEC)
The Postsecondary Education Consortium, located in the Center on Deafness in the College of Education at The University of Tennessee, is one of four Postsecondary Education Regional Technical Assistance Centers funded by the US Department of Education. The web site has been developed to assist people in locating information related to postsecondary education and students who are deaf and hard of hearing.

RESNA Technical Assistance (TA) Project
The RESNA Technical Assistance (TA) Project was funded to provide assistance to the AT Act Grantees to assist them reduce barriers and increase access to assistive technology (AT) devices and services for consumers with disabilities of all ages. This project will also provide technical assistance in the areas related to universal design, state procurement actions, and funding of AT.

Technical Assistance Alliance for Parent Centers -- the Alliance
The Technical Assistance Alliance for Parent Centers (the Alliance) is funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, to serve as the coordinating office for the Technical Assistance to Parent Projects beginning October 1, 1997. The Alliance is a new innovative project which focuses on providing technical assistance for establishing, developing, and coordinating Parent Training and Information Projects under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.

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Last Modified: 06/24/2008