International Research and Studies Program

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Source: Guide to U.S. Department of Education Programs
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The FY 2009 application is available on Application Deadline: April 23, 2009.

Program Office: International Education Programs Service

CFDA Number: 84.017
Program Type: Discretionary/Competitive Grants

Program Description

Program Brochure download files PDF (103K) | MS Word (37K)

This program supports surveys, studies, and development of instructional materials to improve and strengthen instruction in modern foreign languages, area studies, and other international fields.

Types of Projects

In addition to surveys and studies, the program provides funds for the development of foreign language materials designed to improve and strengthen foreign language and area and related studies in the U.S. education system.

Additional Information

Types of projects funded under this program:

  • Studies and surveys to determine needs for increased or improved instruction in modern foreign languages, area studies, or other international fields, including the demand for foreign language, area, and other international specialists in government, education, and the private sector;
  • Research on more effective methods of providing instruction and achieving competency in foreign languages;
  • Research on applying performance tests and standards across all areas of foreign language instruction and classroom use;
  • Developing and publishing specialized materials for use in foreign language, area studies, and other international fields or for training foreign language, area, and other international specialists;
  • Studies and surveys to assess the use of graduates of programs supported under Title VI of the HEA by governmental, educational, and private-sector organizations and other studies assessing the outcomes and effectiveness of supported programs; and
  • Comparative studies of the effectiveness of strategies to provide international capabilities at institutions of higher education.

Funds awarded may NOT be used for the training of students and teachers. No cost-sharing is required.

Under the terms of the Small Business Research and Development Enhancement Act of 1992 (P.L. 102-564), the Department of Education is required to set aside a minimum of 1.5 percent of funds appropriated for research to support the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program. Funds from the International Research and Studies (IRS) Program are used to support the SBIR Program.


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Last Modified: 03/25/2009