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What Works Clearinghouse

Dropout Prevention
Dropout Prevention
September 2008


The findings in this topic report summarize the WWC dropout
prevention intervention reports prepared through September 2008.

WWC identified 84 studies of 22 dropout prevention interventions

WWC identified 84 studies of 22 dropout prevention interventionsDropout prevention interventions are school- and community-based initiatives that aim to keep students in school and encourage them to complete their high school education. To be included in the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) review, interventions have to operate within the United States and include dropout prevention or dropout recovery as one of their primary objectives. The interventions reviewed provide a mix of services, such as counseling, monitoring, school restructuring, curriculum redesign, financial incentives, and community services to mitigate factors impeding academic success.

The review focuses on three outcome domains: staying in school, progressing in school, and completing school. As of September 2008, the WWC looked at 84 studies of 22 dropout prevention interventions that qualified for review. Of these, 23 studies of 16 interventions meet WWC evidence standards—11 without reservations and 12 with reservations. The six other interventions have no studies that meet WWC eligibility or evidence screens.

In looking at the three outcome domains for the 16 interventions, four interventions had positive or potentially positive effects in two domains:

  • Accelerated Middle Schools had potentially positive effects Icon symbol: Potentially positive effects on staying in school and positive effects on progressing in school Icon symbol: Strong effidence of positive effects with no overriding contrary evidence

  • ALAS (Achievement for Latinos through Academic Success) had potentially positive effects on staying in school Icon symbol: Potentially positive effects and on progressing in school Icon symbol: Potentially positive effects
  • Career Academies had potentially positive effects on staying in school Icon symbol: Potentially positive effects and on progressing in school Icon symbol: Potentially positive effects
  • Check & Connect had positive effects on staying in school Icon symbol: Strong effidence of positive effects with no overriding contrary evidence and potentially positive effects on progressing in school Icon symbol: Potentially positive effects

Eight other interventions had potentially positive effects in one domain. Four had no discernible effects in any of the three domains.


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