K–8 Charter Schools: Closing the Achievement Gap
Innovations in Education

The K-8 Charter Schools: Closing the Achievement Gap publication features seven schools that are making significant inroads toward closing the achievement gap in their school communities. As a group, they have created learning environments where historically underserved children are thriving. Schools featured in the guide are located in Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, New York, Ohio, and Texas.

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Table of Contents

1.  Title Page
2.  Illustrations
3.  Foreword
4.  Acknowledgments
5.  Introduction
6.  Part I: Common Themes
7.  Part II: Profiles of Charter Schools Highlighted in Part I
Alain Locke Charter Academy
Amigos Por Vida—Friends for Life Public Charter School
Amistad Academy, New Haven, Conn.
Carl C. Icahn Charter School Bronx, N.Y.
Cesar Chavez Academy, Pueblo, Colo.
The Intergenerational School, Cleveland
Pan-American Elementary Charter School, Phoenix
8.  Appendix A
9.  Appendix B
10.  Notes

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Last Modified: 03/20/2009