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United States Government Response and Recovery to the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina

Release Date: 09/19/05 00:00:00

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
Contact: 202-282-8010
September 19, 2005

Federal support to state and local officials, volunteer organizations, victims and their families who have been devastated by Hurricane Katrina continues around the clock in an effort to provide recovery support to those affected by this unprecedented natural disaster. Federal assistance to households will help them get on the road to recovery. The following facts provide an update to some of the important activities and approximate numbers as of 2 p.m. EDT:  

Household Assistance Funds

  • September 10, 2005: 330,000 Households – $690 million
  • September 11, 2005: 367,000 Households – $758 million
  • September 12, 2005: 393,000 Households – $819 million
  • September 13, 2005: 430,000 Households – $966 million
  • September 14, 2005: 465,000 Households – $1 billion
  • September 15, 2005: 509,000 Households – $1.1 billion
  • September 16, 2005: 539,000 Households – $1.3 billion
  • September 19, 2005: 593,000 Households - $1.4 billion
    (Figures represented above are cumulative totals to date.)
    View Chart  (PDF, 1 page – 20 KB)

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) formed a joint task force to advise local and state officials of the potential health and environmental risks associated with returning to the City of New Orleans. The initial Environmental Health Needs and Habitability Assessment issued Sept. 17 is available on the EPA web site at www.epa.gov/katrina

EPA mobile labs in the New Orleans area are distributing 700 drinking water sample test kits to Parish Health Units for use by private well owners.  There are a total of 683 drinking water facilities In the Louisiana affected area that serves approximately 2.8 million people.  

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the State of Louisiana Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (LOHSEP) officials announced the opening of a Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) in Slidell, La. There are now 12 centers open to assist Louisiana victims of Hurricane Katrina. The new center is at:

  • John Slidell Municipal Park Recreation Center
    105 Robert Road
    Slidell, LA 70458


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This page was last reviewed/modified on 09/19/05 00:00:00.