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Secretary Chertoff Announces New Members and Leadership of the Homeland Security Advisory Council

Release Date: 06/27/06 00:00:00

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
Contact: 202-282-8010
June 27, 2006

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff has announced the appointment of Judge William Webster as the Chair of the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC) and Secretary James Schlesinger as the Vice Chair of the HSAC.  Webster previously served as the HSAC Vice Chair and Schlesinger previously served as an HSAC member.

Also announced were the appointments of Glenda Hood and Rick Stephens as new HSAC members.  Hood had previously served on the HSAC’s State and Local Senior Advisory Council and Stephens previously served on the HSAC’s Private Sector Senior Advisory Committee.  

Herb Kelleher will serve as the Chair of the Private Sector Senior Advisory Committee (PVTSAC) and Stephens will serve as Vice Chair.  Kelleher previously served as the Vice Chair for this PVTSAC.

Two new appointments were announced for the HSAC’s State and Local Senior Advisory Committee.  Governor Jim Douglas of Vermont will serve as the representative of the Council of State Governments.  New York State Senator Michael Balboni will serve as the representative of the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Two new appointments were also announced for the HSAC’s Academe and Policy Research Senior Advisory Committee.  Dr. Sandra Archibald and Dr. William Parrish will join this important committee.

“These accomplished leaders will bring a vast amount of experience from government and the private sector to the Homeland Security Advisory Council and its subcommittees,” said Secretary Chertoff.  “I am grateful that these individuals will be advising me and contributing to our efforts to make our great nation safer, stronger, and better prepared.”

The Homeland Security Advisory Council is the Secretary’s primary Council and is comprised of experts from state and local governments, first preventer and responder communities, academia and the private sector, and provides advice and recommendations to Secretary Chertoff on homeland security issues.  

The HSAC held its last meeting June 26, 2006, in Washington, D.C., where discussions focused on building a common culture within DHS and examining the future of terrorism.

Judge William Webster is Partner at Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy, LLP.  Webster was appointed as a judge of the United States District Court for Eastern District of Missouri in 1970 and subsequently elevated to the United States Court of Appeals in 1973.  In 1978 he was appointed as director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations, where he served for nearly a decade.  In 1987 he was sworn in as the director of the Central Intelligence Agency where he served until 1991.  His service has been honored in many ways including receiving the Distinguished Intelligence Medal, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and the National Security Medal.

Secretary James Schlesinger is Chair of the Board of Trustees for the MITRE Corporation.  Early in his career he served as assistant director of the Bureau of the Budget and as a Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission in the Nixon Administration.  He served as the 12th Secretary of Defense under Presidents Nixon and Ford and became America’s first Secretary of Energy under President Carter.

Herb Kelleher is founder of Southwest Airlines Co. and currently serves as executive chairman, a position he has held since 1978.  From September 1981 through June 2001, Kelleher also served as president and CEO of Southwest Airlines.  

Glenda Hood is former Secretary of State for Florida, appointed by Governor Jeb Bush in February 2003.  She served as president of the National League of Cities, the Florida League of Cities and the Florida Chamber of Commerce. She was elected the first woman mayor of the City of Orlando in 1992 and served three terms.  She chaired Governor Bush's Florida Domestic Security Task Force and in April 2002, President Bush commended Hood for establishing one of the nation's first Citizen Corps, an initiative that created opportunities for individuals to volunteer for disaster preparedness programs in their communities.

Rick Stephens is Senior Vice President, Human Resources & Administration for the Boeing Company and is a member of the Boeing Executive Council.   In a career with Boeing that has spanned 25 years, Stephens has led a number of businesses, including space and communications services, submarine combat systems, and space shuttle.  He has been recognized for his long-standing leadership to local and national organizations regarding the use of science and technology education programs to develop the workforce of the future.

Governor Jim Douglas, of Vermont, has been serving the people of Vermont for 30 years.  Douglas was elected state representative and became majority leader at the age of 25.  He then served as a top aide to Governor Richard Snelling and soon after was elected Secretary of State a position he held for 12 years.  He was elected State Treasurer in 1994, a position he filled until being elected Governor in 2002.

State Senator Michael Balboni, of New York, was elected to the New York State Senate in 1997, and before that served eight years in the state Assembly.  Senator Balboni currently chairs the Senate Committee on Veterans, Homeland Security and Military Affairs, which oversees and approves legislation relating to all aspects of homeland security.  Senator Balboni served as co-chair of the state Legislature’s Temporary Joint Legislative Committee on Disaster Preparedness and Response, a bipartisan initiative involving the state Senate and Assembly.

Dr. Sandra Archibald, of Washington, is the Dean of the Evans School of Public Affairs at the University of Washington.  Prior to her appointment as Associate Dean she served as Interim Dean of the Humphrey Institute and Associate vice Provost for Faculty Development at the University of Minnesota.  Dean Archibald’s research interests concern a wide area focusing on the intersection of economics, institutions and public policy.  She is extensively involved in public service and research designed to support sound public policy and management decisions.

Dr. William Parrish, of Virginia, is an Associate Professor for Homeland Security and Emergency Planning at Virginia Commonwealth University.  Parrish just recently joined the faculty after serving in the Department of Homeland Security in several senior level positions, including the Department’s Senior Representative to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and acting Assistant Secretary for Information Analysis.  In October 2001, Mr. Parrish established the first Office of Anti-Terrorism in the U.S. Customs Service.  Mr. Parrish, a retired United States Marine Colonel, commanded the Marine Corps Security Forces, which was comprised of approximately 4,000 Marines serving worldwide to protect sensitive U.S. government installations.


This page was last reviewed/modified on 06/27/06 00:00:00.