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Chemical Security Analysis Center

person performing chemistry experiment

General Overview

The Department of Homeland Security established the Chemical Security Analysis Center (CSAC) to provide a scientific basis for the awareness of chemical threats and the attribution of their use against the American public. The CSAC is a resource that provides a centralized compilation of chemical hazard data, using this data in an organized effort for threat analytical purposes.  It is located at the Edgewood Area of Aberdeen Proving Ground and draws upon the expertise in chemical defense, chemical agents, and toxic industrial chemicals resident at the Proving Ground. 

The CSAC partners with organizations such as the Edgewood Chemical Biological Center, the Medical Research Institute for Chemical Defense, the Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine, and the Chemical Materials Agency.  In addition, the CSAC draws upon expertise from various organizations for specific projects.  The department-sponsored infrastructure at Edgewood builds upon Department of Defense, Department of Justice, the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Institute of Health, Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department mutual interests and legacy investments, as well as the intelligence and law enforcement communities. 

Primary Responsibilities

  • Promote awareness and assessment through characterization of current and emerging chemical threats and agent knowledge management;
  • Analyze and integrate chemical threat characterization data, including toxic industrial chemicals, chemical warfare agents, and other chemicals of interest;
  • Integrate science-based risk assessments using physical, chemical, and toxicological information in threat and vulnerability;
  • Utilize knowledge management techniques to provide definition and direction for filling gaps;
  • Offer definition and direction to conduct forensic analysis evidence from chemical terrorism acts;
  • Provide reach back capability to provide expert analysis support; and
  • Address and integrate interagency knowledge management functions with evolving the Department all-hazard knowledge management.

Office and Facility

The CSAC office is staffed from a variety of government organizations and outside contractors.  The permanent CSAC facility is under construction in the new Sample Receipt Facility and completion is anticipated on April 2009.  In the interim, the Department of Defense has provided temporary space to support the CSAC mission.


Department of Homeland Security
Chemical Security Analysis Center
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010-5454
Phone:  410-436-1687
Fax: 410-436-6203

This page was last reviewed/modified on December 12, 2008.