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Fact Sheet: Homeland Security Science and Technology Advisory Committee

Release Date: 02/26/04 00:00:00

For Immediate Release
Press Office
Contact: 202-282-8010
February 26, 2004

The Department of Homeland Security through the Science and Technology division is harnessing the nation's scientific knowledge to protect America and our way of life from terrorists and their weapons of mass destruction.  The Homeland Security Science and Technology Advisory Committee (HSSTAC) is assisting the division in its efforts.

Overview and Mission:

  • The Homeland Security Act of 2002 directed the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish a Homeland Security Science and Technology Advisory Committee (HSSTAC).


  • The Committee's mission is to serve as a source of independent, scientific and technical planning advice for the Under Secretary for Science and Technology.


  • Focus the responsibilities of the Science and Technology division to organize the nation's scientific and technological resources to prevent or mitigate the effects of catastrophic terrorism against the United States, including sponsorship and coordination of research and development for this purpose.

  • Make recommendations with respect to the activities of the division, including identifying research areas of potential importance to the security of the nation and outreach activities with the private and public sectors.

  • Establish goals for Science and Technology and advise on whether the division's policies, actions, management processes and organization are  focused on mission objectives.  

  • Advise the division on whether the research, development, test, evaluation, and systems engineering activities are properly resourced to accomplish the Department's objectives.

  • Review the technical quality and assessing the relevance of Science and Technology's programs.

  • Upon request, provide scientifically and technically based advice to the Homeland Security Advisory Council.

Meetings and Membership:

  • The 20-member Committee meets at least four times a year, subcommittees and ad hoc task forces will meet as needed.

  • Members of the Committee are eminent in their fields which include: emergency response, research, engineering, new product development, business, and management consulting. These scientists, engineers, medical researchers, first responders, industrial and academic leaders, former government officials, and others provide expertise relevant to the Department's science and technology enterprise.

  • Specific HSSTAC Member expertise includes: countermeasures to chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and high explosive threats; critical infrastructure protection; borders and transportation security; intelligence, vulnerability analysis; systems engineering; and first response.


This page was last reviewed/modified on 02/26/04 00:00:00.