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Protected Critical Infrastructure Information (PCII) Program

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The Protected Critical Infrastructure Information (PCII) Program is an information-protection program that enhances information sharing between the private sector and the government. The Department of Homeland Security and other federal, state and local analysts use PCII to:

  • Analyze and secure critical infrastructure and protected systems,
  • Identify vulnerabilities and develop risk assessments, and
  • Enhance recovery preparedness measures.

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If the information submitted satisfies the requirements of the Critical Infrastructure Information Act of 2002 (PDF, 11 pages - 53KB), it is protected from:

  • The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA),
  • State and local disclosure laws, and
  • Use in civil litigation.

PCII cannot be used for regulatory purposes and can only be accessed in accordance with strict safeguarding and handling requirements.

Submissions that do not meet the requirements are destroyed or returned to the submitter.


E-mail: pcii-info@dhs.gov
Web: www.dhs.gov/pcii
PCII Program Office
Infrastructure Information Collection Division
Office of Infrastructure Protection
Phone: 202-360-3023

Contact Us or call 202-282-8000 for information about other Department programs.

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This page was last reviewed/modified on March 16, 2009.