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National Emergency Communications Plan

first responders including fire, medical and call center personnel

The  National Emergency Communications Plan (NECP) (PDF, 83 pages - 4.09 MB) is designed to address gaps and determine solutions so that emergency response personnel at all levels of government and across all disciplines can communicate as needed, on demand, and as authorized.  The National Emergency Communications Plan is the nation’s first strategic plan to improve emergency response communications, and complements overarching homeland security and emergency communications legislation, strategies and initiatives.

The National Emergency Communications Plan defines three goals that establish a minimum level of interoperable communications and a deadline for federal, state, local and tribal authorities:

  1. By 2010, 90 percent of all high-risk urban areas designated within the Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) can demonstrate response-level emergency communications within one hour for routine events involving multiple jurisdictions and agencies.
  2. By 2011, 75 percent of non-UASI jurisdictions can demonstrate response-level emergency communications within one hour for routine events involving multiple jurisdictions and agencies.
  3. By 2013, 75 percent of all jurisdictions can demonstrate response-level emergency communications within three hours of a significant event, as outlined in the department's national planning scenarios.

The National Emergency Communications Plan enhances governance, planning, technology, training and exercises, and disaster communications capabilities with recommendations and milestones for emergency responders and relevant government officials. It is designed to drive measurable and sustainable improvements over the next five years consistent with the:

National Emergency Communications Plan goals, along with these other department strategies, will improve nationwide response efforts and bolster situational awareness, information sharing and command and control operations.

Read the National Emergency Communications Plan (PDF, 83 pages - 4.09 MB)

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This page was last reviewed/modified on July 31, 2008.