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Partnerships in Emergency Preparedness

A Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Workshop

The purpose of the "Partnerships in Emergency Preparedness: A Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Preparedness Training Workshop" is to engage the Homeland Security stakeholders, including the private sector, governmental agencies, non-profit groups such as non-governmental organizations and faith-based groups in a strategic partnership to develop a national culture of preparedness.

The workshop will focus on equipping Department of Homeland Security and FEMA partners in emergency preparedness with the resources, knowledge, training, and skills necessary to respond to, and recover from all threats, hazards, and adverse incidents.

The workshops will highlight the National Strategy for Homeland Security, the National Response Framework, the National Incident Management System, Homeland Security Grant Programs, and the role of grassroots faith-based, community-based, and other non-governmental organizations in emergency management and preparedness.

The workshop will also provide faith-based and community organizations with a unique opportunity to meet and discuss pertinent issues with Department and FEMA leadership, as well as state and local emergency preparedness and emergency management officials.

Upcoming Workshop:
New York Marriott East Side
525 Lexington Ave. (at 49 St.)
New York, NY 10017

December 11, 2008
8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. EST

Sample Workshop Agenda

Registration Information

This workshop is open to the public, but registration is required.

Register Now

Upcoming Workshops

City Location Date
New York, N.Y. New York Marriott East Side
525 Lexington Ave. (at 49 St.)
New York, NY 10017
December 11, 2008
San Juan, P.R. InterContinental San Juan
5961 Isla Verde Ave.
San Juan, P.R. 00979
January 15, 2009


E-mail:  reserve@dhsevents.org


This page was last reviewed/modified on December 8, 2008.