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S&T Tech Solutions

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The TechSolutions Program was established by the Department of Homeland Security's Science and Technology Directorate to provide information, resources and technology solutions that address mission capability gaps identified by the emergency response community.

The goal of TechSolutions is to field technologies that meet 80% of the operational requirement, in a 12 to 15 month time frame, at a cost commensurate with the proposal but less than $1 million per project. Goals will be accomplished through rapid prototyping or the identification of existing technologies that satisfy identified requirements.

Only first responders are eligible to submit capability gaps to the TechSolutions web site (Please, no unsolicited proposals or grant requests). If you are a first responder who has identified a capability gap that impacts multiple departments or sectors of the first response community or has an idea that would aid fellow first responders in doing their job faster, safer, and more efficiently, please relay your idea or capability gap to the DHS TechSolutions Program using the email link below. Submissions should be 3 typed pages or less, created in Microsoft Word, using Arial Regular 10pt font. Please include your contact information so that we may update you on the status of your submission.

The TechSolutions e-mail address is techsolutions@dhs.gov.

TechSolutions is not the appropriate forum for vendors to submit product ideas. Vendors who have a technology or product idea that may be of interest to the Department should communicate their idea to the Department's unsolicited proposal Web site http://www.dhs.gov/xopnbiz/opportunities/editorial_0617.shtm.

TechSolutions is not the appropriate forum for agencies or departments seeking grant assistance for technologies that already exist. Agencies or departments seeking grant assistance should visit www.grants.gov or contact their State Administrative Agency at www.ojp.usdoj.gov/odp/contact_state.htm.

This page was last reviewed/modified on March 13, 2009.