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Current National Threat Level is elevated

The threat level in the airline sector is High or Orange. Read more.

In The Spotlight

Office of Inspector General Hotline Information

OIG Hotline

If you have knowledge of fraud, waste, abuse, or allegations of civil liberties or civil rights abuses, or mismanagement involving Department of Homeland Security programs or operations, you can:

  • DHS OIG Hotline Poster (PDF, 1 page - 1.80 MB)
  • Call the DHS OIG Hotline at (800) 323-8603
  • Fax DHS OIG Hotline at (202) 254-4292
  • Email us at DHSOIGHOTLINE@dhs.gov
  • Or write:
    Department of Homeland Security
    Washington, DC 20528
    Attn: Office of Inspector General, Hotline

When making a report convey as much information as possible such as: Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? Complaints may be made anonymously or you may request confidentiality.

Disaster Fraud Hotline

If you have knowledge of fraud, waste, abuse, or allegations of mismanagement involving disaster relief operations, you can:

  • Disaster Fraud Hotline Poster (PDF, 1 page - 1.54 MB)
  • Call the Disaster Fraud Hotline at (866) 720-5721
  • Fax the Disaster Fraud Hotline at (225) 334-4707
  • Email:  disaster@leo.gov
  • Or write:
    National Center for Disaster Fraud
    Baton Rouge, LA 70821-4909

When making a report convey as much information as possible such as: Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? Complaints may be made anonymously or you may request confidentiality.

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This page was last reviewed/modified on February 5, 2009.