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Current National Threat Level is elevated

The threat level in the airline sector is High or Orange. Read more.

Research Grants

Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency (HSARPA) Solicitations

Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency (HSARPA) manages a broad portfolio of solicitations and proposals for the development of homeland security technology. HSARPA performs this function in part by awarding procurement contracts, grants, cooperative agreements, or other transactions for research or prototypes to public or private entities, businesses, federally funded research and development centers, and universities. HSARPA invests in programs offering the potential for revolutionary changes in technologies that promote homeland security. It also accelerates the prototyping and deployment of technologies intended to reduce homeland vulnerabilities. For HSARPA Broad Agency Announcements visit the HSARPA Web site.

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S&T Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Solicitations

The Department Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program was initiated in 2004, with two Department organizations participating in the federal SBIR program. The organizations are the Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate and the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO). Phase I awards are limited to $100,000 for S&T Directorate SBIR projects and $150,000 for DNDO SBIR projects. Phase I awards are typically made within ninety days of selection. Invited Phase II projects will be reviewed and awards will be made incrementally. Phase II awards are limited to $750,000 for S&T SBIR projects and $1,000,000 for DNDO SBIR projects. The Phase II proposal invitation process expeditiously identifies those Phase I awardees deserving Phase II awards.

The DNDO currently issues one solicitation per year.  The DNDO SBIR topics are chosen to support mission objectives.  Contact the DNDO Program Manager, at DNDO.SBIR@dhs.gov.

The S&T SBIR program issues two solicitations per year. Generally, they will be issued in November and May. Topics for solicitations are developed by program managers in each of the S&T Divisions, and from time to time, by the Offices of Innovation and Basic Research. The annual solicitations consist of topics that are relevant to the following divisions:

  • Chemical and Biological
  • Borders and Maritime
  • Human Factors
  • Explosives
  • Infrastructure and Geophysical
  • Command, Control and Interoperability

SBIR topics generally address the needs of seven Department operational units - U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Transportation Security Administration, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Federal Emergency Management Agency, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and U.S. Secret Service -- and First Responders.  

For more information about the S&T  SBIR program, visit SBIR. You may also contact the Department S&T SBIR Program at stsbir.program@dhs.gov or contact the Department SBIR program director, Elissa (Lisa) Sobolewski at 202-254-6768 or via email at elissa.sobolewski@dhs.gov

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Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO) Nuclear Detection Research

Recognizing the risks associated with the potential use of a nuclear weapon within the United States, the Department of Homeland Security has integrated all nuclear detection research, development, testing, evaluation, acquisition, and operational support into a single office, DNDO. This office will develop a global nuclear detection architecture; conduct research and development; and acquire and support the deployment of domestic nuclear detection systems.

Business Opportunities

All opportunities can be found on Federal Business Opportunities (Fed Biz Opps)

Office of Assessments (OA)

  • A — Advanced Technology Demonstration for Intelligent Personal Radiation Locator (IPRL)

Office of Systems Development and Acquisition (OSDA)

  • 58 — Human Portable Radiation Detection System (HPRDS)
  • A — Cargo Advanced Automated Radiography System (CAARS)

Office of Transformational Research and Development (OTRD)

Direct all business inquiries to DNDOInfo@dhs.gov

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DHS funded awards through the Technical Support Working Group (TSWG)

The S&T Directorate has been coordinating research and development projects to combat terrorism with the Technical Support Working Group (TSWG). Several DHS-funded tasks addressing DHS S&T requirements were recently funded through TSWG.

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This page was last reviewed/modified on January 15, 2009.