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Following are press releases and statements issued in the past few weeks. Anything issued before then can be accessed through the Department's public affairs archives web page. 



President’s Budget Recommends $1.83 Billion for Transit Construction, Including 10 New Projects Across the Nation (05/08/09)

U.S. Transportation Secretary LaHood Announces $258 Million in Economic Recovery Funds for Airports Across the United States (04/08/09)

BTS Releases Freight Transportation Services Index (TSI); Freight Index Rose 2.0 Percent in February from January (04/08/09)

DOT Proposes to Approve Star Alliance Plan to Add Continental, Establish Joint Venture (04/07/09)

News Digest (04/03/09)

January 2009 Surface Trade with Canada and Mexico Fell 27.2 Percent from January 2008 (03/31/09)

U.S. Transportation Secretary LaHood Signs a Cooperative Agreement with the Chinese on the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods (03/30/09)

NHTSA Presents 15 Awards for Safety Accomplishments (03/30/09)

U.S. Transportation Secretary LaHood Announces $229 Million in Economic Recovery Funds for Aviation (03/27/09)

Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood Brings $36 Million in Federal Recovery Act Funds to Pay for Central Phoenix/East Valley Light Rail (03/27/09)

U.S. Department of Transportation Posts New Fuel Economy Standards for Model Year 2011 Cars and Light Trucks (03/27/09)

U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood Announces More Than $28 Million for Arizona Airports Under Economic Recovery Act (03/26/09)

Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood Announces Recovery Act Funding for Greenhouse Gas and Energy Reduction (03/24/09)

Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood Announces Recovery Act Funding for Tribal Transit  (03/24/09)

Hummer Appointed to Head Maritime Administration’s Northern California Gateway Office (03/23/09)

DOT Proposes Continental, US Airways for New U.S.-Brazil Air Services (03/20/09)

New Jersey’s I-295/I-76/Route 42 ‘Direct Connection’ Project Receives Green Light from Feds (03/20/09)

Middle Class Task Force Holds Town Hall Meeting on the Recovery Act (03/19/09)

Decline In American Driving Still Evident (03/19/09)

HUD and DOT Partnership: Sustainable Communities (03/18/09)

2008 Surface Trade with Canada and Mexico Rose 4.1 Percent from 2007 (03/18/09)

DOT Moving Quickly to Use Transportation Funding for Economic Recovery, Transportation Secretary LaHood Says (03/17/09)

January 2009 Passenger Airline Employment Down 6.9 Percent from January 2008 (03/17/09)

New Federal Report Highlights Improvement In Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway System Ballast Water Inspection Process (03/13/09)

U.S. Seaway Corporation Receives First Year of Infrastructure Renewal Funding (03/12/09)

December 2008 Airline Traffic Data: System Traffic Down 5.7 Percent in December from 2007 and Down 3.7 Percent in 2008 (03/12/09)

First Economic Recovery Act Money Released; U.S. Transportation Secretary LaHood Announces $12 Million for Pennsylvania Airports (03/12/09)

Freight Transportation Services Index (TSI) Fell 2.3 Percent in January from December (03/11/09)

Airline On-Time Performance Improves In January  (03/11/09)

U.S. Transportation Secretary LaHood Signs $900 Million Agreement to Fund Wiehle Avenue Extension of Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project (03/10/09)

RECARO Recalls “Signo” Child Safety Seats (03/09/09)

Vice President Biden, U.S. Transportation Secretary LaHood, Miami Mayor Diaz Announce Availability of $8.4 Billion in Public Transportation Investments; Miami Intermodal Center Cited as Model for Investment (03/05/09)

December 2008 Surface Trade with Canada and Mexico Fell 13.1 Percent from December 2007 (03/03/09)

President Obama Marks Historic Transportation Investment
Vice President Biden, Secretary LaHood Join in Ceremony at DOT (03/03/09)

FAA Forecast Conference (03/31/09)

Amer. Association of Port Authorities (03/24/09)

National League of Cities (03/17/09)

APTA Legislative Conference (03/09/09)

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Hosted by the Office of Public Affairs
Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of Transportation
Last Updated: 04/07/2009