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ESEA: Advanced Credentialing - FY 2005

CFDA Number: 84.925 - Advanced Certification or Advanced Credentialing

Program Goal: Support teachers seeking advanced certification through high-quality professional teacher enhancement programs designed to improve teaching and learning.

Objective 1 of 1: To increase the number of National Board Certified Teachers.
Indicator 1.1 of 1: The number of teachers awarded National Board Certification will increase annually.
Measure 1.1.1 of 1: Cumulative number of teachers certified.
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets

Source: Data on the number of National Board Certified Teachers (NCBTS) was provided initially in a National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) press release announcing those teachers who have received National Board certification. This information is also available on the NBPTS Web site and is included in the annual program performance report.

Frequency: Annually.

Next Data Available: December 2005

Data Validated By: No Formal Verification.
Upon release of the number of NBCTs, the name of each individual and the certification area are available on the NBPTS Web site.
Explanation: We exceeded our target for 2004. The target has been set at an increase of 5,000 National Board-certified teachers each year. Currently, all 50 states and 544 local school districts offer some kind of incentive for teachers to apply for National Board certification; these incentives have helped to increase the number of applicants for National Board certification. These incentives include fee support, salary supplements, and license portability. The Candidate Subsidy Program, that supports up to one half of the candidate fee, along with targeted recruitment efforts have led to the National Board being able to exceed its target.

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