Vocational Education--Basic Grants to States

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Vocational-Technical Education State Allotments - Fiscal Year 2000 Appropriations

Program Memorandum - OVAE/DVTE 2000-9

Date: September 27, 2000
To: State Directors of Vocational and Technical Education
State Directors of Community, Technical and Junior Colleges
State Tech-Prep Coordinators
From: Patricia W. McNeil
Subject: Vocational-Technical Education State Allotments -- Fiscal Year 2000 Appropriations

I am pleased to provide you with the attached table showing the final FY 2000 State allotments for the Vocational and Technical Education Basic Grants Program authorized by Title I of the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act (Perkins III).

This table modifies the allotment table we provided you in our February 3, 2000 program memorandum to reflect recent amendments made by Congress to the incentive grant program authorized by section 503 of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA). The Department was not able to negotiate performance levels in FY 1999 for Perkins III with any State because States did not have sufficient baseline data for all of the indicators of performance specified in section 113 of Perkins III. For this reason, Congress amended section 503 of WIA to exclude Perkins III from the incentive grant program in FY 2000. States are now eligible to receive an incentive grant from FY 2000 funds if they exceed their agreed–upon FY 1999 performance levels for WIA Title I and the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act. At the same time, Congress also deleted the requirement that 0.54% of the FY 2000 appropriation for Perkins III State grants be reserved for the incentive grant program. These amendments were made by section 2403 of the FY 2001 Military Construction Appropriations Act (P.L. 106–246), which was signed into law on July 13, 2000.

The amendments apply to FY 2000 only. In subsequent years, States must exceed their agreed-upon performance levels for all three programs to be eligible for incentive grants, and 0.54% of the Perkins III State grant appropriation will be set aside for making incentive grants.

The attached allotment table includes the $5,700,510 that we had previously reserved for incentive grants. The supplemental grant award issued to you during the first week of October will reflect the new total amounts. Please note that, due to a variety of factors used in the formula, including the small State minimum and the hold harmless, not all States will receive an increase in their State allotment as a result of the elimination of the incentive grant setaside in FY 2000.

If you have any questions about this table, please feel free to contact your State liaison in the Division of Vocational-Technical Education.


Final Allotment Table, Fiscal Year 2000
Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act

Carl D. Perkins Vocational Education
State Grants -- FY2000
July 1st
Oct 1st
TOTAL U.S. (sec. 111) $241,003,440 $796,700,510 $1,037,703,950
ALABAMA $ 4,512,607 $ 14,933,710 $ 19,446,317
ALASKA 984,309 3,230,612 4,214,921
ARIZONA 4,488,474 14,853,848 19,342,322
ARKANSAS 2,703,975 8,948,348 11,652,323
CALIFORNIA 26,284,114 86,982,831 113,266,945
COLORADO 3,195,723 10,575,703 13,771,426
CONNECTICUT 1,982,320 6,560,156 8,542,476
DELAWARE 994,556 3,287,769 4,282,325
FLORIDA 11,611,420 38,426,029 50,037,449
GEORGIA 6,978,869 23,095,388 30,074,257
HAWAII 1,205,017 3,983,503 5,188,520
IDAHO 1,468,556 4,859,938 6,328,494
ILLINOIS 9,207,533 30,470,776 39,678,309
INDIANA 5,575,167 18,450,071 24,025,238
IOWA 2,795,831 9,252,332 12,048,163
KANSAS 2,513,731 8,318,767 10,832,498
KENTUCKY 4,181,500 13,772,503 17,954,003
LOUISIANA 4,968,794 16,443,382 21,412,176
MAINE 1,205,017 3,983,503 5,188,520
MARYLAND 3,523,512 11,660,465 15,183,977
MASSACHUSETTS 4,045,650 13,278,272 17,323,922
MICHIGAN 8,567,638 28,353,150 36,920,788
MINNESOTA 3,985,365 13,188,892 17,174,257
MISSISSIPPI 3,146,153 10,411,660 13,557,813
MISSOURI 5,045,629 16,697,658 21,743,287
MONTANA 1,173,941 3,880,773 5,054,714
NEBRASKA 1,618,691 5,356,785 6,975,476
NEVADA 1,313,476 4,346,728 5,660,204
NEW HAMPSHIRE 1,205,017 3,983,503 5,188,520
NEW JERSEY 5,017,825 16,605,642 21,623,467
NEW MEXICO 1,921,461 6,358,752 8,280,213
NEW YORK 11,994,443 39,367,093 51,361,536
NORTH CAROLINA 6,762,770 22,380,245 29,143,015
NORTH DAKOTA 984,309 3,230,612 4,214,921
OHIO 10,084,763 33,373,819 43,458,582
OKLAHOMA 3,656,018 12,098,974 15,754,992
OREGON 2,969,774 9,827,965 12,797,739
PENNSYLVANIA 9,552,843 31,613,519 41,166,362
RHODE ISLAND 1,205,017 3,983,503 5,188,520
SOUTH CAROLINA 3,985,463 13,189,217 17,174,680
SOUTH DAKOTA 984,309 3,230,612 4,214,921
TENNESSEE 5,064,529 16,760,203 21,824,732
TEXAS 19,094,828 63,191,102 82,285,930
UTAH 2,820,881 9,335,231 12,156,112
VERMONT 984,309 3,230,612 4,214,921
VIRGINIA 5,499,441 18,199,470 23,698,911
WASHINGTON 4,690,289 15,521,718 20,212,007
WEST VIRGINIA 1,968,332 6,460,285 8,428,617
WISCONSIN 4,867,493 16,108,146 20,975,639
WYOMING 984,309 3,230,612 4,214,921
DISTRICT.OF.COLUMBIA 984,309 3,230,612 4,214,921
PUERTO.RICO 4,310,604 14,147,880 18,458,484
VIRGIN.ISLANDS 132,536 437,631 570,167
TOTAL OUTLYING AREAS (sec. 115) 2,111,300   2,111,300
AMERICAN SAMOA 190,000 - 190,000
NORTHERN.MARIANAS 190,000 - 190,000
GUAM 500,000 - 500,000
PREL* (Pacific Territories) 1,231,300 - 1,231,300

* PREL makes subgrants to the Pacific Territories (American Samoa, Northern Marianas, Guam, Marshall Islands, Micronesia and Palau).

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Last Modified: 12/02/2004