Disability and Rehabilitation Research and Related Projects

   Current Section  Funding Status
 Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services Home
Funding Status

Fiscal Year 2000 $17,069,000
Fiscal Year 2001 $20,054,000
Fiscal Year 2002 $15,893,500
Fiscal Year 2003 $16,778,000
Fiscal Year 2004 $23,004,589
Fiscal Year 2005 $21,743840
Fiscal Year 2006 $17,917,337
Fiscal Year 2007 $23,440,037
Fiscal Year 2008 $25,914,497

Note: This is one of several NIDRR grant programs. Congress provides an appropriation for NIDRR as a whole; see the entry for NIDRR (# 84.133), also under the topical heading "Disability and Rehabilitation Research." The amounts listed here are a portion of the total NIDRR appropriation.

Awards Information


Number of New Awards Anticipated: 18
Average New Award: $431,818
Range of New Awards: $300,000–$1,000,000
Number of Continuation Awards: 35
Average Continuation Award: $412,895
Range of Continuation Awards: $250,000–$900,000

Note: The Department is not bound by any estimates in this notice.

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Last Modified: 09/04/2008